1. From sustainable information system with a farandole of models to services (Michel Léonard, Jolita Ralyté) - 2. On Roles of Models in Information Systems (Arne Solvberg). - 3. Contemporary challenges in requirements discovery and validation; two case studies in complex environments (Sean Hansen, Kalle Lyytinen). - 4. Semantic Requirements Engineering (Motoshi Saeki). - 5. Goal-based domain modeling as a basis for cross-disciplinary systems engineering (Matthias Jarke, Hans W. Nissen, Thomas Rose, Dominik Schmitz) - 6. Intentional alignment and interoperability in inter-organization information systems (Naveen Prakash) - 7. Requirements Engineering for Enterprise Systems: What We Know and What We Don’t Know? (Maya Daneva, Roel Wieringa) - 8. Requirements as Goals and Commitments too (Amit Chopra, John Mylopoulos, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Paolo Giorgini, Munindar P. Singh) - 9. A Method of Capturing and Reconciling Stakeholder Intentions Based on the Formal Concept Analysis (Mikio Aoyama) - 10. Fostering the adoption of i* by practitioners: Some challenges and Research Directions (Xavier Franch) - 11. Rights and intentions in Value Modeling (Paul Johannesson, Maria Bergholtz) - 12. An intentional perspective on Enterprise Modeling (Janis Bubenko jr., Anne Persson, Janis Stirna) - 13. A Goal-Based Approach for Learning in Business Processes (Pnina Soffer, Johny Ghattas, and Mor Peleg) 14. Linking Goal -Oriented Requirements and Model-Driven Development (Oscar Pastor, Giovanni Giachetti) - 15. Testing Conceptual Schema Satisfiability (Antoni Olive, Albert Tort) - 16. A Systematic Approach to Define the Domain of Information System Security Risk Management (Eric Dubois, Patrick Heymans, Nicolas Mayer and Raimundas Matulevi?ius) - 17. Methodologies for design of service-based systems (Barbara Pernici) 18. Quality Assurance in the Presence of Variability (Kim Lauenroth, Andreas Metzger, Klaus Pohl) - 19. Method Engineering: a service-oriented approach (Corine Cauvet) -20. Collaborative Requirements Engineering: Bridging the Gulfs between Worlds (Alistair Sutcliffe)