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jajodia sushil (curatore); list william (curatore); mcgregor graeme w. (curatore); strous leon a.m. (curatore) - integrity and internal control in information systems

Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems IFIP TC11 Working Group 11.5 Second Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Bridging Business Requirements and Research Results Warrenton, Virginia, USA November 19–20, 1998

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Lingua: Inglese


Pubblicazione: 10/1998
Edizione: 1998


Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems is a state-of-the-art book that establishes the basis for an ongoing dialogue between the IT security specialists and the internal control specialists so that both may work more effectively together to assist in creating effective business systems in the future. Building on the issues presented in the preceding volume of this series, this book seeks further answers to the following questions: What precisely do business managers need in order to have confidence in the integrity of their information systems and their data? What is the status quo of research and development in this area? Where are the gaps between business needs on the one hand and research/development on the other; what needs to be done to bridge these gaps?
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems contains the selected proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems, sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and held in Warrenton, Virginia, USA, in November 1998. It will be essential reading for academics and practitioners in computer science, information technology, business informatics, accountancy and edp-auditing.


Preface. Part One: IFIP TC-11 Working Group 11.5. 1. Propagating Integrity Information Among Interrelated Databases; A. Rosenthal, E. Sciore. 2. Integrity Constraint Enforcement in a Multidatabase Using Distributed Active Rules; L.G. Gomez, S.D. Urban. 3. The Constraint Operator of MedLan: Its Efficient Implementation and Use; P. Asirelli, et al. 4. Growing Dependency on IT: The Consequences Thereof for the Organization and for IT-Auditors; M.E. van Biene-Hershey. 5. TOP: An Example of Complex Application Controls; M. Korver. 6. Algebra for Databases with Explicit Markings of Damaged Data; G. Rumolo, S. Jajodia. 7. Application of Models from Epidemiology to Metrics for Computer Virus Risk; J.L. Aron, R.A. Gove. 8. Integrity Control of Spreadsheets: Organisation & Tools; K. Rajalingham, D. Chadwick. 9. Design Basis for Achieving Information Integrity - a Feedback Control System Approach; V.V. Mandke, K.M. Nayar. 10. Modification of Integrity Constraints Through Knowledge Discovery; V. Atluri. 11. Managing Data Quality and Integrity in Federated Databases; M. Gertz. 12. A Logical Formalization of Integrity Policies for Database Management Systems; F. Cuppens, C. Saurel. 13. Maintaining Integrity Constraints and Security in Real-Time Database Systems; Q.N. Ahmed, S.V. Vrbsky. 14. Assurance - What is it? M.D. Abrams, et al. Part Two: General Information. IFIP TC-11. IFIP TC-11 Working Groups. Index of Contributors. Keyword Index.


Dr. Sushil Jajodia is Professor and Chairman of the Dept. of Information and Software Engineering, and Director of the Center for Secure Information Systems at the George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Dimensioni: 235 x 155 mm Ø 1330 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Illustration Notes:X, 294 p.
Pagine Arabe: 294
Pagine Romane: x

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