Introduction Teresa L. McCarty and Serafín M. Coronel-Molina I: Policy and Politics 1. Policy and Politics of Language Revitalization in the USA and Canada Teresa L. McCarty 2. Policy and Politics of Language Revitalization in Latin America and the Caribbean Bret Gustafson, Félix Julca Guerrero, and Ajb’ee Jiménez II. Processes of Language Shift and Revitalization 3. Language Acquisition, Shift, and Revitalization Processes in the USA and Canada Leanne Hinton and Barbra Meek 4. Language Acquisition, Shift, and Revitalization Processes in Latin America and the Caribbean Jacqueline Messing and Regugio Nava Nava III. The Home-School-Community Interface 5. The Home-School-Community Interface in Language Revitalization in the USA and Canada Tiffany S. Lee 6. The Home-School-Community Interface in Language Revitalization in Latin America and the Caribbean Luis Enrique López and Fernando García IV. Local and Global Dimensions Perspectives 7. Local and Global Dimensions of Language Revitalization in the USA and Canada Mary S. Linn and Stacey I. Oberly 8. Local and Global Perspectives of Language Revitalization in Latin America and the Caribbean Kendall A. King and Martina Arnal V. Linguistic Human Rights 9. Linguistic Human Rights and Language Revitalization in the USA and Canada Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Andrea Bear Nicholas, and Jon Reyhner 10. Linguistic Human Rights and Language Revitalization in Latin America and the Caribbean Marleen Haboud, Rosaleen Howard, Josep Cru, and Jane Freeland VI. Revitalization Programs and Impacts 11. Revitalization Programs and Impacts in the USA and Canada Noelani Iokepa-Guerrero 12. Revitalization Programs and Impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean Judith Maxwell VII. New Domains for Indigenous Languages 13. New Domains for Indigenous Language Acquisition and Use in the USA and Canada Mary Hermes, Phil Cash Cash, Keola Donaghy, Joseph Erb, and Susan Penfield 14. New Domains for Indigenous Language Acquisition and Use in Latin America and the Caribbean Serafín M. Coronel-Molina About the Contributors Author Index Subject Index