Introduction: Regional Integration and Human Rights Monitoring Institutions, Hitoshi Nasu Part 1: International Institutions 1. The Engagement of Asia-Pacific States with the UN Human Rights Committee: Reporting and Individual Petitions, Ivan Shearer and Naomi Hart 2. Human Rights Monitoring Institutions and Multiculturalism, Nisuke Ando 3. Challenges to a Human Rights Mechanism in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Experience of the Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council, Shigeki Sakamoto 4. Innovations in Institution-Building and Fresh Challenges: The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Sarah McCosker 5. Chinese Practice in UN Treaty Monitoring Bodies: Principled Sovereignty and Slow Appreciation, Wim Muller Part 2: Regional Institutions – Evolving Mechanisms 6. Resistance to Regional Human Rights Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific: Demythologizing Regional Exceptionalism by Learning from The Americas, Europe, and Africa, Ben Saul, Jacqueline Mowbray and Irene Baghoomians 7. Persistent Engagement and Insistent Persuasion: The Role of the Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism in Institutionalising Human Rights in the Region, Tan Hsien-Li 8. ASEAN: Setting the Agenda for the Rights of Migrant Workers?, Susan Kneebone 9. Challenges for ASEAN Human Rights Mechanisms: The Case of Lao PDR from a Gender Perspective, Irene Pietropaoli Part 3: Transnational And National Institutions 10. The Role of Networks in the Implementation of Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region, Catherine Renshaw 11. Human Rights Commissions in Times of Trouble and Transition: The Case of the National Human Rights Commission of Nepal, Andrea Durbach 12. Corporate Human Rights Abuses: What Role for the National Human Rights Institutions?, Surya Deva 13. Rethinking Human Rights in China: Towards a Receptor Framework, Mimi Zou and Tom Zwart