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knight peter; parsons tony - how to do your essays, exams and coursework in geography and related disciplines

How to do your Essays, Exams and Coursework in Geography and Related Disciplines


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Lingua: Inglese


Pubblicazione: 08/2003
Edizione: 1° edizione


"How to do your Essays, Exams and Coursework in Geography and Related Disciplines" is written for students who need help doing their coursework and exams. The book focuses on the skills and techniques that apply to essay writing and also covers other types of assignment such as posters, talks, PowerPoint presentations and web pages. The basis of the book is that all of these different types of work are based on clear communication of well-supported responses to the questions or tasks that have been set.
The book is written in an informal style intended to make it user-friendly to students who want to improve their work throughout their university career and beyond. The book can be used to look up answers to specific questions as well as being worked through section by section as coursework projects are tackled.
It is a companion volume to the author's earlier "How to Do Your Dissertation in Geography and Related Disciplines "and like that book is organized in the form of a series ofquestions of the type that students might ask themselves at each stage of their work. Each chapter includes a brief summary of key points, and contributions from 'our friend Eric' provide a counterpoint to the main text.

Note Editore

Written for students who need help doing their coursework and exams, this book focuses mainly on the skills and techniques that apply to essay writing, but also covers other types of assignment such as posters, talks, PowerPoint^DTM presentations and web pages. Its basis is that all of these different types of work are centred on clear communication of well-supported responses to the questions or tasks that have been set.


Acknowledgements. Preface. 1. What is this book for, and how should I use it? 2. Why are there so many different types of assignment? 3. What are essays, and why do I have to write them? 4. What will the examiners by looking for when they mark my essay? 5. How do I choose which essay to attempt? 6. How do I get started on my essay? 7. How do I make sure I have a well-structured essay? 8. How do I produce a well-written essay? 9. What goes at the beginning of the essay? The introduction 10. What goes in the middle of the essay? 11. What goes at the end of the essay? The conclusion. 12. How do I use references and write a reference list? 13. How do I use diagrams and other illustrations? 14. How much do things like layout, neatness and English matter? 15. How can I perfect my essay before I hand it in? 16. How should I handle exam essays? 17. How do I prepare a poster presentation? 18. How do I prepare and deliver a verbal presentation? 19. How do I prepare web pages and other types of presentation? 20. How do I work as part of a group? 21. Help! It's all going wrong, what can I do? 22. A final word

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 9.6666667 x 7.4444444 in Ø 1.00
Formato: Brossura
Pagine Arabe: 216

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