Hearing and Balance Citations.- Technical Reports and Government Publications.- Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Auditory and Vestibular Systems.- General.- External ear and auditory canal.- Middle ear, middle ear mechanics.- Inner ear, cochlear and vestibular mechanisms.- Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy of the Eighth Nerve and Central Auditory and Vestibular Systems.- General.- Acoustic nerve.- Vestibular nerve.- Central auditory system.- Central vestibular system.- Auditory evoked response (AER).- Behavioral Studies of Auditory and Vestibular Systems in Animals.- General.- Animal psychophysics.- Animal communication by sound.- Echolocation.- Psychophysical Studies of Hearing.- General.- Auditory fatigue and temporary threshold shift.- Awareness, selectivity, short-term memory for sounds, attention to sounds and speech.- Temporal effects.- Binaural effects and dichotic listening.- Loudness and intensity.- Masking.- Pitch and frequency effects.- Musical perception.- Environmental and atmospheric effects.- Experimental psychopharmacology.- Audiologic Assessment (See also AER under Neurophysiology).- General.- Behavioral techniques.- Non-behavioral techniques.- Pathologies of the Hearing and Balance Systems, Except Noise-Related (Each subject includes etiology, diagnosis, incidence, therapy).- General.- Aging effects.- Anoxia and hypoxia.- Central impairments.- Drug/chemical induced disorders.- Infections.- Meniere’s disease.- Otosclerosis.- Prenatal/perinatal-based disorders.- Trauma not due to noise.- Tumors and cysts.- Audiologic Habilitation.- General.- Education of the hearing-impaired.- Hearing aids and other prosthetic devices.- Psychological/sociological considerations.- Speech and language abilities of the hearing-impaired, including sign language.-Noise and Hearing Conservation.- General.- Noise-induced hearing impairment.- Non-auditory physiological and psychological changes due to noise.- Noise level measurement and annoyance scales.- Noise protection devices.- Hearing conservation programs.- Medico/legal considerations.- Vestibular Function Testing.- Books of interest.- Language, Speech, and Voice Citations.- Technical Reports and Government Publications.- Production of Speech/Song.- General.- Anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism.- Acoustic analysis of speech/song.- Speech synthesis.- Environmental effects.- Chemical effects (experimental).- Speech Perception.- General.- Perceptual coding, memory and retrieval of linguistic features and units.- Intelligibility testing, including perception of degraded speech, synthetic speech, and speech heard over various transmission systems.- Speech recognition/talker identification by machines and humans.- Cortical functions related to speech/language processing.- Linguistics.- General.- Linguistic theory and analysis.- Socio-linguistics, dialects, the culturally disadvantaged.- Multilingualism.- Automated language analysis (machine translation).- Normal Speech and Language Development.- General.- Pre-linguistic vocalization.- Lexical, semantic, and conceptual development.- Acquisition of syntax and phonology, including prosodic features.- Assessment of speech and language.- Development and assessment of reading abilities.- Speech and Language Pathologies (General).- Pathological Speech and Language Development.- General.- Delayed speech and language development for causes not otherwise specified.- Mental retardation.- Developmental disorders of articulation.- Developmental dysphasia.- Minimal brain dysfunction.- Neurological Disorders of Speech and Language.- General.- Acquired aphasia in children and adults.- Other neurological disorders of speech and language.- Oro-facial Anomalies and Injuries.- General.- Etiology of clefts.- Etiology of other oro-facial anomalies.- Medical, dental, surgical management.- Non-medical management of clefts, anomalies, and injuries.- Stuttering and Cluttering.- Psychiatrically-Based Disorders.- General.- Autism.- Schizophrenia.- Voice Disorders.- General.- Etiology and diagnosis of voice disorders.- Medical/surgical management.- Voice therapy, including sociological and psychiatric aspects.- Effects of Chemical Agents on Central Language Processing and Speech (Side effects, non-experimental exposure, poisoning).- Systems and Methods of Animal Communications.- General.- Anatomy and physiology of the signal production mechanism.- Signal production behavior.- Anatomical, physiological, and behavioral changes induced by chemical and other means.- Books of interest.- Appendix and Indexes.- Productive journals.- Alphabetic index to subject headings.- Author index.