Le Mindu is a unique character. He's a bit of a hairdresser, a bit of a designer, a bit of an outsider - and an insider. People might think he s a bit of a crazy person, but his attention to detail is impeccable - that's what sets him apart' - Nicola Formichetti. Charlie Le Mindu is an artist like no other. His medium is hair and his ascent has been rapid. Born in rural France, he spent his formative years in Berlin and then London, where his career really took off in the late '00s, with catwalk shows and celebrities clamouring to wear his wigs, most famously Lady Gaga. Since then his work has continued to grow in scale and extravagance. His creations painstakingly handcrafted using cutting-edge techniques are often controversial; but at the heart of his work remains a genuine punk attitude, a wicked sense of humour, and a love of strong women. Le Mindu has a ferocious, independent imagination, untethered by trends and convention, and this, when combined with exquisite skill, precision and dexterity makes for a true artist. 'Haute Coiffure' celebrates Le Mindu's work, in all its bold, tactile glory. With an introduction by Anders Christian Madsen, Fashion Features Director, i-D Magazine, and featuring photography by Rankin, Ellen von Unwerth, Tim Walker, and more.