Introduction, Moon, Galton. Part I: Teacher Education in Europe: Context. 1. The Council of Europe and Teacher Education, Newman. 2. Teacher Education in Europe – Diversity versus Uniformity, Buchberger. Part II: The Training of Teachers and Teacher Trainers. 3. Training Teachers to Teach Mixed Ability Groups, Wragg. 4. Appraisal of Teachers, Wilson. 5. Teacher Induction: The Great Omission in Education, Vonk. 6. Selecting and Training Teacher Trainers, Wilson. Part III: Teacher Education in Europe: Issues and Trends. 7. Teacher Education and Training for Teachers of Human Rights, Prindezis, Premont. 8. The Media Education Revolution and Teacher Education, Masterman. 9. Teacher Education for Technology Education, De Vries. 10. Teachers and Mobility, Vaniscotte. Part IV: Research on Teacher Education. 11. Teacher Training in Europe: A Research Agenda, Galton.