Contents: Preface. Part I: The Development of Sports Media. T.F. Scanlon, Sports and Media in the Ancient Mediterranean. J. Bryant, A.M. Holt, A Historical Overview of Sports and Media in the United States. L.A. Wenner, Sports and Media Through the Super Glass Mirror: Placing Blame, Breast-Beating, and a Gaze to the Future. Part II: The Coverage and Business of Sports Media. R.V. Bellamy, Jr., Sports Media: A Modern Institution. D. Brown, J. Bryant, Sports Content on U.S. Television. W. Wanta, The Coverage of Sports in the Print Media. J.W. Owens, The Coverage of Sports on Radio. D.B. Sullivan, Broadcast Television and the Game of Packaging Sports. C. Wood, V. Benigni, The Coverage of Sports on Cable TV. M. Real, Sports Online: The Newest Player in Mediasport. R.G. Cummins, SportsFiction: Critical and Empirical Perspectives. H.J. Lenskyj, Alternative MediaVersus the Olympic Industry. A. Tudor, World Cup Worlds: Media Coverage of the Soccer World Cup 1974 to 2002. M.C. Duncan, Gender Warriors in Sport: Women and the Media. A.C. Billings, Utilizing Televised Sport to Benefit Prime-Time Lineups: Examining the Effectiveness of Sports Promotion. M.A. Krein, S. Martin, 60 Seconds to Air: Television Sports Production Basics and Research Review. M. Mondello, Sports Economics and the Media. L. Kinney, Sports Sponsorship. Part III: Sports Media Audiences. A.A. Raney, Why We Watch and Enjoy Mediated Sports. D.L. Wann, The Causes and Consequences of Sport Team Identification. B. Gunter, Sports, Violence, and the Media. W. Gantz, S.D. Bradley, Z. Wang, Televised NFL Games, the Family, and Domestic Violence. R.G. Lomax, Fantasy Sports: History, Game Types, and Research. D. Leonard, An Untapped Field: Exploring the World of Virtual Sports Gaming. J.E. Mahan, III, S.R. McDaniel, The New Online Arena: Sport, Marketing, and Media Converge in Cyberspace. Part IV: Critical Perspectives on Sports Media: Cases and Issues. J. Maguire, Sport and Globalization: Key Issues, Phrases, and Trends. A. Grainger, J.I. Newman, D.L. Andrews, Sport, the Media, and the Construction of Race. D.W. Houck, Couching Tiger, Hidden Blackness: Tiger Woods and the Disappearance of Race. D. Baroffio-Bota, S. Banet-Weiser, Women, Team Sports, and the WNBA: Playing Like a Girl. M.G. McDonald, Thinking Through Power in Sport and Sport Media Scholarship. D. Leonard, A World of Criminals or Media Construction?: Race, Gender, Celebrity, and the Athlete/Criminal Discourse. D.W. Houck, Sporting Bodies. C.R. King, L. Davis-Delano, E. Staurowsky, L. Baca, Sports Mascots and the Media. M. Hardin, Disability and Sport: (Non)Coverage of an Athletic Paradox.