Contents: Preface. Part I: Introduction. D.K. Mroczek, T.D. Little, Theory and Research in Personality Development at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Part II: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives on Personality Development. B.W. Roberts, D. Wood, Personality Development in the Context of the Neo-Socioanalytic Model of Personality. W. Fleeson, S. Jolley, A Proposed Theory of the Adult Development of Intraindividual Variability in Trait-Manifesting Behavior. T.D. Little, C.R. Snyder, M. Wehmeyer, The Agentic Self: On the Nature and Origins of Personal Agency Across the Life Span. R.F. Krueger, W. Johnson, K.C. Kling, Behavior Genetics and Personality Development. G. Saucier, J. Simonds, The Structure of Personality and Temperament. R.R. McCrae, P.T. Costa, Jr., Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Adult Personality Trait Development. P.H. Hawley, Evolution and Personality: A New Look at Machiavellianism. D.K. Mroczek, D.M. Almeida, A. Spiro III, C. Pafford, Modeling Intraindividual Stability and Change in Personality. T.D. Little, J.A. Bovaird, D.W. Slegers, Methods for the Analysis of Change. Part III: Personality Development in Childhood and Adolescence. R.L. Shiner, Temperament and Personality in Childhood. T.A. Walls, S.H. Kollatt, Agency to Agentic Personalities: The Early to Middle Childhood Gap. C. Saarni, Emotion Regulation and Personality Development in Childhood. R.M Tobin, W.G. Graziano, Development of Regulatory Processes Through Adolescence: A Review of Recent Empirical Studies. M.B. Donnellan, K.H. Trzesniewski, R.W. Robins, Personality and Self-Esteem Development in Adolescence. S. Harter, Developmental and Individual Difference Perspectives on Self-Esteem. Part IV: Personality Development in Middle and Older Adulthood. R. Helson, C.J. Soto, R.A. Cate, From Young Adulthood Through the Middle Ages. A.M. Freund, M. Riediger, Goals as Building Blocks of Personality and Development in Adulthood. M. Diehl, Development of Self-Representations in Adulthood. C. Wrosch, J. Heckhausen, M.E. Lachman, Goal Management Aross Adulthood and Old Age: The Adaptive Value of Primary and Secondary Control. M.R. Levenson, C.M. Aldwin, Change in Personality Processes and Health Outcomes. F.R. Lang, F.S. Reschke, F.J. Neyer, Social Relationships, Transitions, and Personality Development Across the Lifespan. Part V: Capstone. D.P. McAdams, J.M. Adler, How Does "Personality" "Develop"?