Foundations of OptofluidicsIntroduction to Microfluidic and Optofluidic Transport; Mekala Krishnan and David EricksonMicrofabrication; Aaron R. Hawkins, Matthew R. Holmes, Tao Shang, and Yue ZhaoPassive Integrated Optics; Siegfried JanzPhotonic Crystal Hollow Waveguides; Fetah Benabid and P. John RobertsOptoelectronics; Romeo Bernini and Luigi ZeniSpectroscopic Methods; Jin Z. ZhangLab-on-a-Chip; Su Eun Chung, Wook Park, Seung Ah Lee, Sung Eun Choi, Jisung Jang, Sung Hoon Lee, and Sunghoon KwonOptical Elements and DevicesFluid-Controlled Optical Elements; Christian Karnutsch and Benjamin J. EggletonOptofluidic Imaging Elements; Xiaole Mao, Zackary S. Stratton, and Tony Jun HuangOptofluidic Switches and Sensors; Steve Zamek, Boris Slutsky, Lin Pang, Uriel Levy, and Yeshaiahu FainmanOptofluidic Ring Resonators; Jonathan D. Suter and Xudong FanOptofluidic Light Sources; Anders Kristensen and N. Asger MortensenBioanalysisSingle-Molecule Detection; Benjamin Cipriany and Harold CraigheadOptical Trapping and Manipulation; Eric Pei-Yu ChiouFluid-Filled Optical Fibers; Michael Barth, Hartmut Bartelt, and Oliver BensonIntegrated Optofluidic Waveguides; Holger SchmidtRaman Detection in Microchips and Microchannels; Melodie Benford, Gerard L. Coté, Jun Kameoka, and Miao WangPlasmonics; David Sinton, Alexandre G. Brolo, and Reuven GordonFlow Cytometry and Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting; Chun-Hao Chen, Jessica Godin, Sung Hwan Cho, Frank Tsai, Wen Qiao, and Yu-Hwa LoAppendix A: Optical Properties of WaterAppendix B: Refractive Index of Liquids and SolidsAppendix C: Viscosity and Surface Tension of Typical LiquidsAppendix D: Common Fluorescent DyesAppendix E: Common Physical ConstantsAppendix F: Common Biological BuffersIndex