Image Reconstruction.- Diffusion Filters and Wavelets: What Can They Learn from Each Other?.- Total Variation Image Restoration: Overview and Recent Developments.- PDE-Based Image and Surface Inpainting.- Boundary Exraction, Segmentation and Grouping.- Levelings: Theory and Practice.- Graph Cuts in Vision and Graphics: Theories and Applications.- Minimal Paths and Fast Marching Methods for Image Analysis.- Integrating Shape and Texture in DeformabIe Models: from Hybrid Methods to Metamorphs.- Variational Segmentation with Shape Priors.- Curve Propagation, Level Set Methods and Grouping.- On a Stochastic Model of Geometric Snakes.- Shape Modeling & Registration.- Invariant Processing and Occlusion Resistant Recognition of Planar Shapes.- Planar Shape Analysis and Its Applications in Image-Based Inferences.- Diffeomorphic Point Matching.- Uncertainty-Driven, Point-Based Image Registration.- Motion Analysis, Optical Flow & Tracking.- Optical Flow Estimation.- From Bayes to PDEs in Image Warping.- Image Alignment and Stitching.- Visual Tracking: A Short Research Roadmap.- Shape Gradient for Image and Video Segmentation.- Model-Based Human Motion Capture.- Modeling Dynamic Scenes: An Overview of Dynamic Textures.- 3D from Images, Projective Geometry & Stereo Reconstruction.- Differential Geometry from the Frenet Point of View: Boundary Detection, Stereo, Texture and Color.- Shape From Shading.- 3D from Image Sequences: Calibration, Motion and Shape Recovery.- Multi-view Reconstruction of Static and Dynamic Scenes.- Graph Cut Algorithms for Binocular Stereo with Occlusions.- Modelling Non-Rigid Dynamic Scenes from Multi-View Image Sequences.- Applications: Medical Image Analysis.- Interactive Graph-Based Segmentation Methods in Cardiovascular Imaging.- 3D Active Shape and Appearance Models in Cardiac Image Analysis.- Characterization of Diffusion Anisotropy in DWI.- Segmentation of Diffusion Tensor Images.- Variational Approaches to the Estimation, Regularizatinn and Segmentation of Diffusion Tensor Images.- An Introduction to Statistical Methods of Medical Image Registration.