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hussain muhammad m. (curatore); el-atab nazek (curatore) - handbook of flexible and stretchable electronics

Handbook of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics


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Lingua: Inglese

CRC Press

Pubblicazione: 06/2022
Edizione: 1° edizione

Note Editore

Flexibility and stretchability of electronics are crucial for next generation electronic devices that involve skin contact sensing and therapeutic actuation. This handbook provides a complete entrée to the field, from solid-state physics to materials chemistry, processing, devices, performance, and reliability testing, and integrated systems development. This work shows how microelectronics, signal processing, and wireless communications in the same circuitry are impacting electronics, healthcare, and energy applications.Key Features:• Covers the fundamentals to device applications, including solid-state and mechanics, chemistry, materials science, characterization techniques, and fabrication;• Offers a comprehensive base of knowledge for moving forward in this field, from foundational research to technology development;• Focuses on processing, characterization, and circuits and systems integration for device applications;• Addresses the basic physical properties and mechanics, as well as the nuts and bolts of reliability and performance analysis;• Discusses various technology applications, from printed electronics to logic and memory devices, sensors, actuators, displays, and energy storage and harvesting.This handbook will serve as the one-stop knowledge base for readership who are interested in flexible and stretchable electronics.


Preface......................................................................................................................viiEditors ....................................................................................................................... ixContributors ............................................................................................................. xiSection i Fundamentals1 Plastic Electronics ............................................................................................. 3Chang-Hyun Kim2 Materials—Flexible 1D Electronics ................................................................. 23Aftab M. Hussain3 Flexible 2D Electronics in Sensors and Bioanalytical Applications .............. 45Parikshit Sahatiya, Rinky Sha, and Sushmee Badhulika4 Flexible and Stretchable Thin-Film Transistors ............................................. 63Joseph B. Andrews, Jorge A. Cardenas, and Aaron D. Franklin5 Mechanics of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics .........................................91Nouha AlcheikhSection ii Devices6 Printed Electronics ..........................................................................................111Mohammad Vaseem and Atif Shamim7 Ferroic Materials and Devices for Flexible Memory .....................................149Saidur R. Bakaul, Mahnaz Islam, and Md. Kawsar Alam8 Flexible and Stretchable High-Frequency RF Electronics ............................ 165Juhwan Lee, Inkyu Lee, and Zhenqiang Ma9 Flexible and Stretchable Sensors ....................................................................189Tae Hoon Eom and Jeong In Han10 Artificial Skin .................................................................................................213Joanna M. Nassar11 Flexible and Stretchable Actuators ................................................................ 251Nadeem Qaiser12 Flexible and Stretchable Photovoltaics and Its Energy Harvesters ............. 277Devendra Singh13 Flexible and Stretchable Energy Storage ....................................................... 301Arwa Kutbee14 3D Printed Flexible and Stretchable Electronics ........................................... 315Galo Torres Sevilla15 Flexible and Stretchable Paper-Based Structures forElectronic Applications ..................................................................................337Tongfen Liang, Ramendra Kishor Pal, Xiyue Zou, Anna Root, and Aaron D. Mazzeo16 Reliability Assessment of Low-Temperature ZnO-Based Thin-FilmTransistors ......................................................................................................375Chadwin D. Young, Rodolfo A. Rodriguez-Davila, Pavel Bolshakov,Richard A. Chapman, and Manuel Quevedo-LopezSection iii Systems and Applications17 Reconfigurable Electronics ........................................................................... 399Jhonathan Prieto Rojas18 Flexible and Stretchable Devices for Human-Machine Interfaces ...............415Irmandy Wicaksono and Canan Dagdeviren19 Wearable Electronics ..................................................................................... 467Sherjeel M. Khan and Muhammad Mustafa Hussain20 Flexible Electronic Technologies for Implantable Applications .................. 487Sohail Faizan Shaikh21 Bioresorbable Electronics .............................................................................. 505Joong Hoon Lee, Gwan-Jin Ko, Huanyu Cheng, and Suk-Wong HwangIndex .......................................................................................................................525


Prof. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain received his BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering fromBangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2000. Then he completedMSc in Electrical Engineering from University of South California, Los Angeles, CA, in 2002.Next he earned another MSc and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University ofTexas at Austin, in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Currently, he is a professor of Electrical Engineeringat King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia. He wasrecently a visiting professor in EECS of University of California, Berkeley. Before joining KAUST, Prof.Hussain was a program manager of Emerging Technology Program in SEMATECH, Inc. Austin, Texas.A regular panelist of US NSF grants reviewing committees, he is the fellow of American Physical Society(APS), Institute of Physics, UK, and Institute of Nanotechnology, UK, IEEE Electron Devices SocietyDistinguished Lecturer, editor-in-chief of Applied Nanoscience (Springer-Nature), editor of IEEETransactions on Electron Devices, and an IEEE Senior Member. He has served as first or correspondingauthor in 90% of his 2300+ research papers (including 27 invited reviews, 32 cover articles, and150 journal papers). He has more than 60 issued and pending US patents. His students are serving asfaculty and researchers in MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Caltech, Harvard, UCLA, Yale, Purdue, TSMC,Intel Corporation, KACST, KFUPM, KAU, and DOW Chemicals. Scientific American has listed hisresearch as one of the Top 10 World Changing Ideas of 2014. Applied Physics Letters selected his paper asone of the Top Feature Articles of 2015. He and his students have received 39 research awards includingIEEE Region 5 Outstanding Individual Achievement Award 2016, World Technology Award Finalist inHealth and Medicine 2016, TEDx 2017, Outstanding Young Texas Exes Award 2015 (UT Austin AlumniAward), US National Academies’ Arab-American Frontiers of Sensors 2015, 2016, DOW ChemicalSustainability Challenge Award 2012, etc. His research has been highlighted extensively in internationalmedia like in Washington Post, Wall Street Journal (WSJ), IEEE Spectrum, etc. His research interest is toexpand the horizon of CMOS electronics and technology for futuristic applications.Dr. Nazek El-Atab received her BSc degree in Computer and Communications Engineering fromthe Rafik Hariri University, Lebanon, in 2012, her MSc degree in Microsystems Engineering from theMasdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE, in 2014, and her PhD degree inInterdisciplinary Engineering from the Masdar Institute in 2017. Currently, she is a post-doctoralresearch fellow with Professor Muhammad Mustafa Hussain at the MMH labs at KAUST. Her currentresearch focuses on the design and fabrication of futuristic electronics.She has received several awards for her research, including the 2015 For Women in Science MiddleEast Fellowship by L’Oreal-UNESCO, Best Paper Award in the Micro/Nano-systems section at theUAEGSRC 2016 conference, the 2016 IEEE Nanotechnology Student Travel Award in Japan, the 2017International Rising Talents Award by L’Oreal-UNESCO, the 2018 “Rafik Hariri University” AlumniAward, and was portrayed in the 2019 “Remarkable Women in Technology” by UNESCO. She has publishedover 30 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and conference proceedings and2 book chapters, and has 4 pending US patents. She has served as a Jury member for the 2017 For Womenin Science Middle East Fellowship by L’Oreal-UNESCO and a member of the Panel of Experts for the2019 For Women in Science Awards by L’Oreal-UNESCO. Her research has been highlighted extensivelyin international media including The National, America’s Navy, Office of Naval Research, Emirates NewsAgency, Skynews Arabia TV, Khaleej Times, Monte Carlo Paris, the Health Medicine Network, etc.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 10 x 7 in Ø 2.19 lb
Formato: Brossura
Illustration Notes:236 b/w images
Pagine Arabe: 552

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