Figures Tables Introduction Editor Contributors INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS Defining Systems Integration, M.H. Sherif The Dawn of a New Ecosystem of Communications, R. Saracco TECHNOLOGIES FOR NETWORKING, NETWORK MANAGEMENT, AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Fundamentals of Enterprise Networks, M.Ulema Next Generation Networks in Enterprises; K. Asatani Mobile Middleware in Enterprise Systems, D. Bruneo, A. Puliafito, M. Scarpa, and A. Zaia Secure Wireless Access to Services in Enterprise Networks, P. Bellavista, A. Corradi, and A. Toninelli An Introduction to Network and Service Management,R. Boutaba and J. Xiao Monitoring Quality of Service in Enterprise Multicast Networks, E. Al-Shaer Platforms for Enterprise Servers,B. Kurt and Z. Cataltepe Software Reliability and Risk Management, X. Zhang SOFTWARE AND SERVICE ARCHITECTURES Software Architectures for Enterprise Applications, Y. Doganata, L. Kozakov, and M.Jahn Service-Oriented Enterprise Modeling and Analysis, C. Huemer, P. Liegl, R. Schuster, M. Zapletal, and B. Hofreiter Granting Flexibility to Business Process Management, D. Bottazzi and R. Montanari Architectures for Cross-Enterprise Business Integration, J.P. Müller, S. Roser, and B. Bauer Enterprise Application Integration and Service-Oriented Architecture Integration Scenarios, B. Fricke and K. Turowski Enterprise Applications Integrating the Web and Enterprise Systems, C.-Y. Lin Enterprise Systems Integration in Telecommunications, L. Lin and P. Lin Leveraging Applications for Successful Customer Relationship, K. Naasz Radio Frequency Identification Technology, M.-V. Bueno-Delgado, E. Egea-López, J. Vales-Alonso, and J. García-Haro Radio-Frequency Identification Applications and Case Studies, D.A. Rodríguez-Silva, S. Costas-Rodríguez, F. Javier González-Castaño, and F. Gil-Castiñeira Standards Information Modeling in Production Management: The ISO 15531 MANDATE Standard, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle, J.-L. Barraud, B. Young, J.-J. Michel, and M. Bigand Standards for International Trade and Enterprise Interoperability, G.L. Potgieser Standards for Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce, M.H. Sherif Management of Integration Managing Implementation issues in Enterprise Resource Planning Projects,P. Kumar Dey, B. Clegg, and D. Bennett Introducing Complex Technologies into the Enterprise: The Case of RFID, M. Bourgault and Y. Bendavid Managing Virtual Project Teams: Recent Findings, N. Drouin, M. Bourgault, and C. Gervais Salvaging Projects in Trouble, J.P. Murray Conclusions The Future of Enterprise System Integration, M.H. Sherif Index