Editors Contributors 1 Definition of Drought Neil A. Coles and Saeid Eslamian 2 Desertification and Drought Victor R. Squires 3 Meteorological Drought Indices: Definitions Nicolas R. Dalezios, Zoltan Dunkel, and Saeid Eslamian 4 Hydrological Drought: Water Surface and Duration Curve Indices Manish Kumar Goyal, Vivek Gupta, and Saeid Eslamian 5 Agricultural Drought Indices: Combining Crop, Climate, and Soil Factors Nicolas R. Dalezios, Anne Gobin, Ana M. Tarquis Alfonso, and Saeid Eslamian 6 Agricultural Drought: Organizational Perspectives Parvaneh TishehZan and Saeid Eslamian 7 Ocean Oscillation and Drought Indices: Principles Olumide D. Onafeso 8 Ocean Oscillation and Drought Indices: Application Mohammad Hadi Bazrkar and Saeid Eslamian 9 Cause and Occurrence of Drought Rumia Basu, Chander Kumar Singh, and Saeid Eslamian 10 Drought Modeling Methods João Filipe Santos, Inmaculada Pulido-Calvo, and Maria Manuela Portela 11 Drought Modeling Examples Javad Bazrafshan, Somayeh Hejabi, and Saeid Eslamian 12 Observational Network and Drought Monitoring Brij Bhushan 13 Real-Time Drought Management Jonathan Peter Cox, Sara Shaeri Karimi, and Saeid Eslamian 14 Monitoring, Assessment, and Forecasting of Drought Using Remote Sensing and the Geographical Information System Vaibhav Garg and Saeid Eslamian 15 Regionalization of Drought Prediction Manish Kumar Goyal and Ashutosh Sharma 16 Drought Severity in a Changing Climate Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, Santiago Beguería, and Jesús Julio Camarero 17 Drought Early Warning and Information Systems Richard R. Heim Jr., Michael J. Brewer, Roger S. Pulwarty, Donald A. Wilhite, Michael J. Hayes, and Mannava V.K. Sivakumar 18 Drought Assessment and Risk Analysis Nicolas R. Dalezios, Ana M. Tarquis Alfonso, and Saeid Eslamian 19 New Approaches for Effective Drought Risk Assessment Yildirim Kayam and Muslum Beyazgül 20 Drought and Acceptable Risks for Public Systems Avanish K. Panikkar 21 Remote Sensing in Drought Quantification and Assessment Nicolas R. Dalezios, Nicos V. Spyropoulos, and Saeid Eslamian 22 NASA Satellite–Based Global Precipitation Products and Services for Drought Zhong Liu, Dana Ostrenga, William Teng, Steven J. Kempler, and Bruce Vollmer 23 Application of Data-Driven Models in Drought Forecasting Shahab Araghinejad, Seyed-Mohammad Hosseini-Moghari, and Saeid Eslamian 24 Application of Intelligent Technology in Rainfall Analysis Mehdi Vafakhah and Saeid Eslamian 25 Application of the Optimization Models and Decision Support Systems in Drought Emery A. Coppola Jr., Manuel Sapiano, Michael Schembri, and Ferenc Szidarovszky 26 Copula Functions and Drought Shahrbanou Madadgar and Hamid Moradkhani 27 Drought Frequency Characterization in Spain by Means of T Analysis Javier Álvarez-Rodríguez and Luis Miguel Barranco 28 Rainfall Prediction Using Time Series Analysis Mehdi Vafakhah, Hussein Akbari Majdar, and Saeid Eslamian 29 Meteorological Drought Indices: Rainfall Prediction in Argentina Marcela H. González, Eugenia M. Garbarini, Alfredo L. Rolla, and Saeid Eslamian 30 Modeling Hydrological Process by ARIMA–GARCH Time Series Reza Hadizadeh and Saeid Eslamian 31 Gradation of Drought-Prone Area Never Mujere, Xiaohua Yang, and Saeid Eslamian 32 Social Aspects of Water Scarcity and Drought Johanna Hohenthal and Paola Minoia 33 Drought Losses to Local Economy Md Mahmudul Haque, Amir Ahmed, Ataur Rahman, and Saeid Eslamian 34 Analysis of Drought Factors Affecting the Economy Bapon S.H.M. Fakhruddin and Saeid Eslamian Index