_x000D__x000D_I. Measurement and Design_x000D_1. Foundational Issues of Design and Measurement in Developmental Research, Scott M. Hofer, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, and Andrea M. Piccinin _x000D_2. Causal Inference, Identification, and Plausibility, E. Michael Foster_x000D_3. Accelerated Longitudinal Designs, Susan C. Duncan and Terry E. Duncan_x000D_4. Time-Scale-Dependent Longitudinal Designs, Theodore A. Walls, William D. Barta, Robert S. Stawski, Charles E. Collyer, and Scott M. Hofer_x000D_5. Event Frequency Measurement, Brett Laursen, Jaap Denissen, and David F. Bjorklund_x000D_6. The Impact of Scaling and Measurement Methods on Individual Differences in Growth, Susan E. Embretson and John Poggio_x000D_7. Investigating Factorial Invariance in Longitudinal Data, Roger E. Millsap and Heining Cham_x000D_II. Approaches to Data Collection_x000D_8. Foundational Issues in Longitudinal Data Collection, Lea Pulkkinen and Katja Kokko_x000D_9. The Use of Large-Scale Data Sets for the Study of Developmental Science, Pamela Davis-Kean and Justin Jager_x000D_10. Telemetrics and Online Data Collection: Collecting Data at a Distance, Joshua Wilt, David M. Condon, and William Revelle_x000D_11. Collecting and Analyzing Longitudinal Diary Data, Bernhard Schmitz, Julia Klug, and Silke Hertel_x000D_12. Retrospective Methods in Developmental Science, Andrea Follmer Greenhoot_x000D_13. Peer Ratings, William M. Bukowski, Antonius H. N. Cillessen, and Ana Maria Velásquez_x000D_III. Interindividual Longitudinal Analysis_x000D_14. Foundational Issues in Investigating Development as Interindividual Variation, Jari-Erik Nurmi_x000D_15. Analysis of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Data: Pinpointing Explanations, Richard Gonzalez, Tianyi Yu, and Brenda Volling_x000D_16. Autoregressive and Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis for Longitudinal Data, James P. Selig and Todd D. Little_x000D_17. Analyzing Change between Two or More Groups: Analysis of Variance versus Analysis of Covariance, Kamala London and Daniel B. Wright_x000D_18. Mediation Models for Developmental Data, Matthew S. Fritz and David P. MacKinnon_x000D_IV. Intraindividual Longitudinal Analysis_x000D_19. Foundational Issues in Intraindividual Longitudinal Analysis, Michael J. Rovine and Lawrence L. Lo_x000D_20. Dynamic Factor Analysis and Control of Developmental Processes, Peter Molenaar and Lawrence L. Lo_x000D_21. P-Technique Factor Analysis, Ihno A. Lee and Todd D. Little_x000D_22. Hazard, Event History, and Survival Modeling, Margaret K. Keiley, Cassandra Kirkland, Ali Zaremba, and Ashley Anders Jackson_x000D_V. Combining Interindividual and Intraindividual Longitudinal Analysis_x000D_23. Foundational Issues in the Contemporary Modeling of Longitudinal Trajectories, John J. McArdle_x000D_24. Growth Curve Modeling from a Structural Equation Modeling Perspective, Kevin J. Grimm and Nilam Ram_x000D_25. Growth Curve Modeling from a Multilevel Model Perspective, Joop J. Hox and Jan Boom_x000D_26. Nonlinear Growth Modeling, Shelley A. Blozis_x000D_27. Group-Based Trajectory Modeling in Developmental Science, Daniel S. Nagin and Candice L. Odgers_x000D_28. Longitudinal Mixture Models and the Identification of Archetypes, Nilam Ram, Kevin J. Grimm, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, and Peter C. M. Molenaar _x000D_29. Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling, James A. Bovaird and Leslie H. Shaw_x000D_VI. Nonindependent Data Analysis_x000D_30. Foundational Issues in Nonindependent Data Analysis, William L. Cook_x000D_31. Dyadic Data Analyses in a Developmental Context, Robert A. Ackerman, M. Brent Donnellan, Deborah A. Kashy, and Rand D. Conger_x000D_32. Applying the Social Relations Model to Developmental Research, Noel A. Card and Russell B. Toomey_x000D_33. Analysis of Static Social Networks and their Developmental Effects, Scott D. Gest and Thomas A. Kindermann_x000D_34. Actor-Based Model for Network and Behavior Dynami