Foreword byRosemary Luckin Part I. Foundations Design in Educational Technology: Foundations byPeter Goodyear Chapter 1 The Practice of Educational/Instructional Design byPeggy A. Ertmer, Martin L. Parisio, and Dewa Wardak Chapter 2 Principles for Design and Evaluation of Learning Spaces byMike Keppell and Matthew Riddle Chapter 3 The Ecology of Resources: A Theoretically Grounded Framework for Designing Next Generation Technology Rich Learning byRosemary Luckin, Wilma Clark, and Joshua Underwood Chapter 4 Design-Based Research—Designing as Research byPeter Reimann Chapter 5 Understanding and Analysing 21st Century Skills Learning Outcomes Using Assessments byPatrick Griffin, My Van Bui and Esther Care Part II. Design Methods Design in Educational Technology: The Design Process byJoshua Underwood and Rosemary Luckin Chapter 6 Using Technology Probes to Understand Educational Design Spaces byMadeline Balaam Chapter 7 Iterative Context Engineering to Inform the Design of Intelligent Exploratory Learning Environments for the Classroom byManolis Mavrikis, Sergio Gutierrez-Santos, Eirini Geraniou, Richard Noss and Alex Poulovassilis Chapter 8 Sketch-Ins: A Method for Participatory Design in TEL byBrock Craft Chapter 9 Issues and Methods for Involving Young People in Design byJudy Robertson, Judith Good, Katy Howland, and Andrew Macvean Chapter 10 Orchestrating Classroom CSCL: A Multi-level Pattern Approach for Design and Enactment byL. P. Prieto, S. Villagrá-Sobrino, Y. Dimitriadis, I. Jorrín-Abellán Chapter 11 Empowering teachers to design learning resources with metacognitive interface elements byJudy Kay, Sabina Kleitman, and Roger Azevedo Chapter 12 Meta-Design: Empowering All Stakeholder as Co-Designers by Gerhard Fischer Chapter 13 Designing for Seamless Learning byChee-Kit Looi and Lung-Hsiang Wong Chapter 14 Putting the Ecology of Resources Design Framework to Use with Language Learners’ Contexts byRosemary Luckin, Wilma Clark, Joshua Underwood Chapter 15 Designing Affective and Cognitive Educational Interaction byBenedict du Boulay Chapter 16 Activity Theory and Educational Technology Design by Daisy Mwanza-Simwami Chapter 17 SNaP! Re-using, sharing and communicating designs and design knowledge using Scenarios, Narratives, and Patterns byYishay Mor Chapter 18 Going Native: Autoethnography as a Design Tool byMargot Duncan Part III. Implementation Design in Educational Technology: Implementation Challenges byBarbara Grabowski and Niall Winters Chapter 19 A Developmental Study for the Design of Creative Problem Solving Support System byCheol Il Lim, Wan Chul Lim, and Miyoung Hong Chapter 20 Case-Based Learning for Anesthesiology: Enhancing Dynamic Decision-Making Skills through Cognitive Apprenticeship and Cognitive Flexibility byIkseon Choi, Yi-Chun Hong, Hyojin Park, Yunseok Lee Chapter 21 Scaffolding Learning in an LMS: Learning to Write an Action Research Proposal byPriya Sharma and Alice E. Anderson Chapter 22 Considering the Design of an Electronic Progress-Monitoring System bySimon Hooper, Charles Miller, and Susan Rose Chapter 23 Designing for Awareness: Purposeful Interactions in the Next Generation of Distance EducationbyJennifer A. Maddrell and Gary R. Morrison Chapter 24 Learning with Facebook Group—Interaction in Action byGila Kurtz, Hagit Meishar-Tal, and Efrat Pieterse Chapter 25 Designing for Learning with Tangible Technologies bySara Price and Paul Marshall Chapter 26 An Introduction to Technology Enhanced Learning Design in Postgraduate Medical Education byNiall Winters Chapter 27 The Convergence of Informal Learning and Formal Education in a Ubiquitous Environment byHeeok Heo, Il-Hyun Jo, Kyu Yon Lim, Hyeon Woo Lee, and Soonshik Suh Chapter 28 Design for Museum Learning: Visitor-Constructed Trails Using Mobile Technologies byKevin Walker Chapter 29 A Blended Instructional Design Approach to Cyberlearning that Supports Persons with Disabilities byMarilyn P. Arnone, Jennifer T. Ellis, and Derrick L. Cogburn Chapter 30 Cloud-based eLearning for Higher Education: Realizing the Potential byAlexander Romiszowski and Elvis Otamere Chapter 31 Role of Web-Based Technologies in Framing Teaching Presence byFengfeng Ke and Li Zhu Part IV. EvaluationWhat Are Students Learning and How: Methods for Assessing Learning bySadhana Puntambekar Chapter 32 Measuring What Matters: Technology and the Design of Assessments that Support Learning byJames W. Pellegrino Chapter 33 Educational Design Research in the 21st Century byWilliam A. Sandoval Chapter 34 Lights, Camera, Learn: When the Set is as Important as the Actors byIris Tabak Chapter 35 Bidirectional artifact analysis: A method for analyzing digitally mediated creative processes by Erica Halverson and Alecia Magnifico Chapter 36 Mass Collaboration and Learning byUlrike Cress Chapter 37 Emerging Technologies for Young Children: Evaluating the Learning Benefits of New Forms of Interaction byAndrew Manches Chapter 38 Insight into Teaching and Learning: The Complex Face of Video Research by Mary J. Leonard and Sharon J. Derry Chapter 39 Basic Concepts and Techniques in Social Work Analysis byChristophe Reffay and Alejandra Martínez-Monés Chapter 40 Seeing to Understand: Using Visualizations to Understand Learning in Technology-Rich Learning Environments byCindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Rebecca Jordan, and Suparna Sinha Chapter 41 Using Process Mining for Understanding Learning byPeter Reimann and Kalina Yacef Chapter 42 Self-Regulated Learning Engines: Software Technologies for Researching and Promoting Self-Regulated Learning byPhilip H. Winne Chapter 43 Assessing Socio-Emotional Learning Around Educational Technologies byCarolyn Penstein Rosé