Iulian Antoniac holds a PhD in Materials Science from the University Politehnica of Bucharest. He also has two Master degrees, one from the Department of Advanced Procedures for Developing Special Alloys and the other from the Department of Fine Structure of Materials Research, both from University Politehnica of Bucharest. Dr. Antoniac is currently Vice President and a founding member of the Council of the Romanian Society for Biomaterials (SRB). He is the Head of the Biomaterials Group (BIOMAT) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (2005-present). He is also the Head of the Interface Phenomenon Laboratory, Faculty Materials Science and Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
At BIOMAT, he has worked on metallic biomaterials used for different orthopedic and dental applications, such as hip prostheses, implants for trauma, dental prostheses. Since 2005, Iulian Antoniac hasbeen associated with the Biomaterials program in the Faculty of Medical Engineering, which is focused on tissue engineering, scaffolds characterization, medical image processing and the development of new implants for medical applications. Dr. Antoniac has published widely, with over 30 papers published in peer-reviewed journals, 140 papers published in the proceedings of conferences, and contributed to and edited several books. In 2005, he received the Daniel Bunea Award from the Romanian Society for Biomaterials.
Dr. Antoniac’s research interests include: Microscopy for materials characterization, Metallic biomaterials for orthopedic application, Retrieval analysis of explants, Bone regeneration, Physical and chemical characterization of nano- and micro- particles for biomedical application, Biodegradable biomaterials. Present areas of research work: metallic biomaterials, surface modification, tissue engineering, biocomposites, scaffolds, interaction tissue-biomaterials, biointerfaces, retrieval analysis of explants, bone regeneration, magnetic nanoparticles.