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telgemeir raina ; lamb braden - ghosts



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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 10/2016

Note Libraio

There's something different about this town... Catrina and her family are moving to the coast of Northern California because her little sister, Maya, is sick. Cat isn't happy about leaving her friends for Bahia de la Luna, but Maya has cystic fibrosis and will benefit from the cool, salty air that blows in from the sea. As the girls explore their new home, a neighbor lets them in on a secret: there are ghosts in Bahia de la Luna. Maya is determined to meet one, but Cat wants nothing to do with them. As the time of year when ghosts reunite with their loved ones approaches, Cat must fugure out how to put aside her feras for her sister's sake - and her own. Raina Telgemeier has masterfully created a moving and insightful story about the power of family and friendship, and how it gives us the courage to do what we thought possible.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 8.25 x 5.50 x 1.00 inch.
Formato: Paperback
Pagine Arabe: 244

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