Preface Organization Sponsors Keiichi Fujita lecture Urban development: Decisions making processes in the planning of sub-structure construction H.D. St. John Keynote lectures Geotechnical optimization in underground construction I.-M. Lee The influence of tunnelling and deep excavation on piled foundations R.J. Mair & M.G.Williamson E-Defense shaking test on large model of underground shaft and tunnels I. Towhata, Y. Kawamata, M. Nakayama & S. Yasuda Design, analysis, and construction of tunnels and underground space in soft ground Tunnel design underneath the operating runway of Incheon airport S.K. Kim, D.J. Choi, C.Y. Ahn, M.K. Jung, H.N. Moon & Y.K. Kim Evaluation of movements and structural forces resulting from bored tunnelling in sand B.C.B. Hsiung, C.C. Tsai, H.N. Huang & W.Y. Song A new approach for seismic active thrusts in deep excavations A.D. Garini Physical modelling and PIV analyses of an underground tunnel heading J.S. Shiau, M.S. Sams & R.J. Kemp Effect of repeated shear deformation on twin tunneling – model test and finite element analysis H.M. Shahin, S. Kuroi &T. Nakai Reinforcing mechanism of anchor type retaining wall – model test and numerical analysis T. Nakai, H.M. Shahin, K. Okuda & M. Kato Three-dimensional arching effect on vertical circular shafts S.S. Jeong, K.Y. Kim & H.S. Lim South Toulon tube: 3D numerical back-analysis on in situ measurements J.P. Janin, H. Le Bissonnais, A. Guilloux, D. Dias, R. Kastner & F. Emeriault Evaluation of piping stability under dynamic conditions K.H. Kim, G.C. Park, D.R. Kim & J.H. Shin Analysis of the displacement caused by construction conditions at a rear side of sheet pile structures on soft ground S.Y. Jung, J.S. Choi & T.H. Kim Excavation and tunnelling in difficult ground conditions Deflection behavior of the steel pipe-jacking in soft soil seabed L. Zhen, J.J. Chen, J.H.Wang, G. Cheng & Q.H. Li Use of special jet grouting technologies for tunnel’s crown and core advance consolidation – technical aspects and case studies D. Vanni, M. Siepi & G. Lunardi Geotechnical control for artificial ground freezing works in tunnel projects in Hong Kong T.S.K. Lam & P.L.R. Pang Evaluation of tunnel jacking induced ground surface heave W.A. Prakoso &Y. Lase Use of 3D finite element method for back study of a failed basement excavation in soft clay S.S. Lin, J.C. Liao & S.D. Yang Effect of wall batter angel on soil nail walls performance E. Zolqadr & S.S. Yasrobi Temporary support of excavation walls-case study E. Zolqadr, M. Pasdarpour &A. Golshani Effect of swelling of subgrade soil on the flexible pavement M.R.M. Al-Qayssi Ground settlement trough due to DOT shield tunneling Y.S. Fang, M.Y. Huang, C. Liu & C.C. Kao Numerical simulation of artificial-freezing propagation for subsea-tunnel construction: Effect of refrigerant temperature and ground water D. Lee, H.-J. Choi, K. Pham, I.-M. Lee & H. Choi Physical and numerical modelling of deep excavation and tunnel Design of deep excavations in fine-grained soils accounting for changes in pore water pressures L. Callisto, F. Maltese & F. Bertoldo Study on characteristics of grease flow resistance by element test M. Sugimoto, Y. Hirai, T.N. Huynh & T. Tamai Numerical investigation of the effect of cross walls in reducing ground settlement induced by deep excavation C.Y. Ou, P.G. Hsieh & S.C. Chien 3D numerical modelling of the impact of tunnelling in soft soil on buried pipelines F. Emeriault & K. Meng Physical modeling of soil-structure interaction in the subsidence area H.L. Nghiem, F. Emeriault & M. Al Heib Physical and numerical experimental study of stress-strain state of the structure lining of a shallow tunnel A.C. Torres & E.A. Padilla Tunnel modelling: Stress release and constitutive aspects T.G.S. Dias & A. Bezuijen Permanent increments of internal forces on a tunnel lining due to dynamic loadings G. Lanzano & E. Bilotta Numerical modelling of ground improvement techniques considering tension softening H.F. Schweiger, P. Sedighi, S. Henke & K.-M. Borchert Passive load estimation on single piles and pile groups from visco-plastic mud-flow J. Aschrafi, C. Moormann & D. Stolle 3-Dimensional numerical modeling of SPB shield TBM tunneling-induced ground settlement considering volume loss processes H.K. Park, S.B. Chang & S.B. Lee Comparison of numerical and analytical methods of analysis of tunnels H. Elarabi & A. Mustafa Interaction between underground construction and adjacent structures Response of tunnels due to blast loading R. Prasanna &A. Boominathan Advanced numerical modelling of multi-storey buildings response to tunnelling D. Boldini, V. Fargnoli, C.G. Gragnano & A. Amorosi Numerical modelling of the interaction between a deep excavation and an ancient masonry wall A. Amorosi, D. Boldini, G. de Felice, M. Malena & G. Di Mucci Pile-tunnel interaction: A conceptual analysis T.G.S. Dias & A. Bezuijen Numerical analysis of a 36m deep diaphragm wall – parametric study M. Mitew-Czajewska Important aspects when modelling the interaction between surface structures and tunnelling in sand G. Giardina, M.J. DeJong & R.J. Mair Stability evaluation on widening of parallel tunnels M.-H. Lee, S.-Y. Koh, B.-J. Kim, Y.-S. Jang & J.-N. Yun Micro-disturbance construction in closely overlapped shield tunneling based on automatic monitoring X.Y. Xie & C. Liu Twist deformation of buildings from ground movements due to skewed-tunnel excavation E. Namazi, H. Mohamad, A.K.B. Hong & A.Y.M. Yassin Stiffness reduction in soft Chicago clay during deep urban excavations Y.-H. Jung & T.S. Kim Monitoring of underground construction Stress-path and piezometric head field analysis of soil during earth pressure balanced shield tunneling A. Afshani & H. Akagi Shield tunneling analysis and measures under elevated high-speed railway G. Quanmei, S. Yao, Y. Xiaoming & Z. Shunhua Application of close range photogrammetry to passive and active retaining wall model tests and numerical analysis S.-M. Kong & Y.-J. Lee In-situ monitoring of earth pressures upon large shield tunnel with small overburden L. Han, G.L. Ye, J.H.Wang & Z.H. Huang Monitoring dataset of deformations related to deep excavations for North-South Line in Amsterdam M. Korff & F.J. Kaalberg A case study of a deep excavation on a soft lacustrine clay of Bogota, Colombia, with emphasis between predicted and measured deformations J.A. Pineda-Jaimes, L.A. Estevez & N.A. Daza Probabilistic back-analysis of K0 and deformation properties of fine soils found in Line 2 of Santiago Metro, Chile M.O. Cecílio Jr., P.I.B. Queiroz, P.L. Valenzuela & A. Negro Ground deformation measurement due to model tunnelling with tunnel roof reinforcement using close range photogrammetric technique J.-H. Lee & Y.-J. Lee Settlement analyses of underground circular tunneling in soft clay J.S. Shiau, M.S. Sams, J. Zhang & R.J. Kemp Monitoring of rock surface shape using laser scanner C.H. Hong, T.M. Oh & G.C. Cho Monitoring the effects of tunnelling under an existing tunnel-fibre optics C.Y. Gue, M.Wilcock, M.M. Alhaddad, M.Z.E.B. Elshafie, K. Soga & R.J. Mair Enhancement of filterability of fiber drainage using vibrational energy from polyvinylidence fluoride (PVDF) Film Z.H. Xin, J.H. Moon, I. Kim &Y.U. Kim Risk management and mitigation Settlements of buildings and buried pipelines induced by adjacent deep excavation in Shanghai soft ground Y.P. Dong, H.J. Burd & G.T. Houlsby Rock fissure grouting in Singapore granite for building protection during station construction J.N. Shirlaw,W. Kay & P. Venu Process simulation as a tool for TBM jobsite logistics planning R. Duhme, T. Rahm, M. Scheffer, M. König & M. Thewes Some construction experiences of a motorway road tunnel collapse J. Mecsi Relevant relations in orde