Overview; Sponsors; Acknowledgments; Housing Policy; 1. Housing Promotion in Germany 2. Urban Public Housing in the United States: Evidence of Distress and Strategies for Revitalising Communities 3. The Life and Death of British Urban Public Housing Changing Values in U.S. Public Housing 4. Changing Values in U.S. Public Housing Policy and Design 5. Japanese Housing Policy in Historic View and Challenge Towards the Future Housing of Tokyo 6. Mainstreaming Public Housing: For a Comprehensive Approach to Housing Policy 7. New York City: Historical Perspectives, Current Policy, and Future Planning 8. Engendering Design: Eliminating Impediments to the Creation of Supportive Housing at Orchard Park 9. New Directions for Federally-Assisted Housing: Focusing on Housing Supply and Condition in the Local Market and Policies to Assure Sound and Livable Developments 10. Federal Policies in Urban Public Housing: Legislative, Regulatory, and Administrative Initiatives for Improving Public Housing 11. The Future of Public Housing in the United States in Historical Perspective 12. Women Transitioning: A Feminist Alternative to Public Housing 13. Public Housing: The Need for a New Framework; Alternatives in Public Housing; 1. Open Building for Housing Rehabilitation 2. Is there a Future for Housing authorities, As We Know Them Today? 3. Lessons for the Future: What We’ve Learned in Montgomery County, Maryland; Self-Sufficiency; 1. Regeneration Del Barrio: Alternative Urban Public Housing in El Segundo Barrio 2. An Assessment and Prognosis of Public Housing Resident Empowerment 3. Resident Participation: A Self-Help Alternative for Providing Affordable Urban Public Housing 4. Communal Living Space: Its Deciphering and Generation: Planning and Design of Municipal 5. When Housing is Not Enough: Chicago Public Housing Residents Become Economic Developers 6. Enhanced Self-Sufficiency through Self-Assisted housing Production in the United States 7. Assisted Living in Public Housing: The Use of Community Based Managed Support Services 8. The Social Consequences of Housing the Poor/Expanding the Ghetto or Moving to Self-Sufficiency 9. Seattle Housing Authority’s Experience with the Family Self-Sufficiency Program 10. Fommerrey: Building "Home-Grown" Place Specific Sense of Community 11. Community Self-Help Housing in South-Auckland, New Zealand 12. The Meanings of Resident Empowerment: Why Just About Everybody Thinks It’s a good Idea and what Does It Have To Do with Resident Management?; Comprehensive Planning; 1. Economic Recovery Plan for A Public Housing Community 2. Safe and Secure: Public Housing Residents in Los Angeles Define the Issues 3. Reducing Violent Crime and Drug Trafficking in Los Angeles County Public Housing 4. Dilemmas Affecting Urban Quality: Enabling Processes and the Resolution of Planning visions 5. Seven Kinds of Success: Assessing Public Housing Comprehensive Redevelopment Efforts in Boston; Rehabilitation; 1. An Evaluation of the Revitalisation of Windsor Terrace 2. Putting Housing Back into Housing: A Case Study of Richard Allen Homes 3. Renovate or Replace: The Policies, Politics and Technology of Public Housing Redevelopment; Urban Design; 1. Housing as Exposition or Housing as Urban Design: Lessons from the IBA 2. Public Housing and Context: A Preliminary Report 3. Streets, Parks, and Houses: Case Study of a Pedestrian Neighborhood 4. Issues of Public Housing in Historic City Core of Beijing: Tradition and Perspective 5. A New Plan for Central Neighborhood, Cleveland, Ohio 6. Re-envisioning Public Housing Within the Neighborhood: A Design Study Process; Design Standards; 1. Public Art in Public Housing: A Collaborative Sketch 2. Typology as Policy 3. Outdoor Play and Play Areas: A Vehicle for Community Development? 4. A Paradigm of Process: 10 Site Planning Applications Used to Improve the Social Environment at Renaissance Village 5. High Density Low-Rise Quality Affordable Housing in the South Bronx, NY: Melrose Court 6. Housing Design, Neighborhood Planning, and Community Organizing: A Testimony to Community Development by Non-Profit Corporations 7. An Evaluation of Robert Pitts Plaza: A Post Coocupancy Evaluation of New Public Housing in San Francisco 8. Hillside Housing Prototypes for Appalachia 9. Inhabiting Public Housing in Hong Kong; Roundtable Outlines; 1. Open Building for Housing Renovation 2. Reinventing HUD: The Statutory and Regulation Review Program 3. Resigning the Site in U.S. Public Housing: Issues and Experiences 4. Poverty and Homelessness in the United States of America 5. Beyond the Problem Projects Paradigm: Defining and Revitalizing "Severely Distressed" Public Housing; Appendix; Public Housing in Cincinnati: Its Evolution and Current Situation