PrefaceEditorsContributorsChapter 1.General Overview and Future Trends of Nanotechnology in the Food IndustryLucca Centa Malucelli and Washington Luiz Esteves MagalhãesChapter 2.Agrifood Sector, Biological Systems, and NanomaterialsPaolo Di Sia3.Industrial Development and Major Companies in the Food and Beverage Sector: From Research to the IndustryEduardo CaritàChapter 4.Engineered Nanostructures for Enrichment and Fortification of FoodsArlete M. Marques, Maria A. Azevedo, José A. Teixeira, Lorenzo M. Pastrana, Catarina Gonçalves, and Miguel A. CerqueiraChapter 5.Nanosupplements: Improvements in Nutritional Functionality of Food ProductsOsvaldo E. Sponton, Adrián A. Perez, Marcelo Grabois, and Liliana G. SantiagoChapter 6.Production and Application of Antimicrobial Nanoparticles in the Food IndustrySpiros Paramithiotis and Eleftherios H. DrosinosChapter 7.Nanoencapsulation and Nanoemulsions: Preparation and Applications in the Food IndustryTatiana Porto Santos, Paula Kiyomi Okuro, Ana Carla Kawazoe Sato, and Rosiane Lopes CunhaChapter 8.Applications of Nanomaterials in the Meat and Seafood Processing IndustryM.P. Montero, M.E. López-Caballero, A. Alemán, J. Gómez-Estaca, Ó. Martínez-Álvarez, and M.C. Gómez-GuillénChapter 9.Nanotechnology Applied to Cereal Grains and Cereal-Based Products and Its Food SafetyMariana Pereira Silveira, Nathália de Andrade Neves, João Vinícios Wirbitzki da Silveira, and Marcio SchmieleChapter 10.Application and Potential of Nanotechnology in Milk and Derivatives Processing IndustryIgor José Boggione Santos, Camila Santiago Saraiva, Adenilson A. Monteiro, and Jane Sélia dos Reis CoimbraChapter 11.Food Nanotechnology Applications to the Beverage IndustryElena Arranz, Ibrahim Gülseren, Milena Corredig, and Anilda GuriChapter 12.Advances in Food Functionality and Packaging Using NanotechnologyH. Turasan, J. Bonilla, F. Jia, L. Maldonado, M. Malm, T.B. Rouf, and J.L. KokiniChapter 13.Green Polymers Nanocomposites Applied in Food PackagingSeyed Mohammad Ali Razavi and Mahdi Irani Chapter 14.Application of Nanotechnology in Antimicrobial Active Food PackagingMalco C. Cruz-Romero, Shafrina Azlin-Hasim, Michael A. Morris, and Joseph P. KerryChapter 15.Cereal Bioactive Components and Nanoencapsulation Methods for Enhanced BioavailabilitySudha Rani Ramakrishnan, Ramachandran Chelliah, Joong-Ho Kwon, Deog-Hwan Oh, and Palanivel GanesanChapter 16.Nanoencapsulation of Plant-Based Oils and Its Applications in Food and Food Packaging BioavailabilityRamachandran Chelliah, Sudha Rani Ramakrishnan, Imran Khan, Palanivel Ganesan, Deog-Hwan Oh, and Joong-Ho KwonChapter 17.The Potential of Nanobiotechnology for the Production of Ingredients in the Food IndustryCharu Dwivedi, Ishan Pandey, Chinmay Chorage, Ajay V. Singh, and Pramod W. RamtekeChapter 18.Nanomaterials-Based Electrochemical Biosensors for Aflatoxin-B1 Detection: Application in Food SafetyManish Srivastava, Neha Srivastava, Debabrata Mishra, Vijai K. Gupta, P.K. Mishra, Abd El-Latif Hesham, and Pramod W. RamtekeChapter 19.Nanomaterial-Bound Enzymes and Their Applications in Food IndustryShamoon Asmat and Qayyum HusainChapter 20.Enhanced Microbial Control of Germinated Wheat Seeds for the Food Industry, Using NanotechnologyZivile Luksiene, Bernadeta Zudyte, and Viktorija LukseviciuteChapter 21.Potential Application of Nanopesticides to Pest Control in the Food and Agriculture SectorPrabhakar Mishra, Brij Kishore Tyagi, Amitava Mukherjee, and Natarajan ChandrasekaranChapter 22.Utilization and Valorization of Food Waste Using Nanotechnology ApproachBikash Bhattarai, Sanjeet Kumar, Gitishree Das, Vivekananda Banerjee, and Jayanta Kumar PatraChapter 23.Regulation and Safety of Nanotechnology in the Food and Agriculture IndustryXiaojia He, Hua Deng, Winfred G. Aker, and Huey-min Hwang Index