ACCRETION DISCS, Gordon I. OgilvieClassical theory of accretion discsAngular momentum transportContinuum celestial mechanicsDISCS WITH MHD TURBULENCE AND THEIR RESPONSE TO ORBITING PLANETS, John C.B. Papaloizou and Richard P. NelsonSet up of initial modelsSimulation resultsDiscussionMIXING AT THE SURFACE OF WHITE DWARF STARS, R. Rosner and A. AlexakisPrevious work on mixingAn alternative: mixing at boundaries by "wind"-driven resonant modesConclusionsPULSAR MAGNETOSPHERES, Leon MestelBasic electrodynamicsModels with pair productionLive modelsThe S(P) relationThe inner domainComputational resultsAlternative modelsMagnetospheric gapsMAGNETIC FIELDS IN GALAXIES, Ellen G. ZweibelGalactic structureObservations of Galactic magnetic fieldsGalaxy formation and magnetogenesisBuilding blocks of Galactic magnetic fieldsSummary and outlookSELF-CONSISTENT MEAN FIELD ELECTRODYNAMICS IN TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONS, P H. Diamond, D. W. Hughes and Eun-jin KimTurbulent diffusion of magnetic fieldsThe generation of magnetic fieldsMomentum and flux transport in 2D MHDConcluding remarksTHE SOLAR TACHOCLINE: FORMATION, STABILITY AND ITS ROLE IN THE SOLAR DYNAMO, S. M. TobiasProperties of the solar tachoclineWhy is the solar tachocline so thin?Instabilities of the solar tachoclineThe tachocline and the solar dynamoDiscussion and conclusionMAGNETOCONVECTION, M.R.E. ProctorThe induction equation and the Lorentz forceBoussinesq magnetoconvection in a vertical fieldNonlinear Boussinesq magnetoconvectionStrong magnetic fieldsShearing instabilities and streaming flowsConvection in extended regionsEffects of stratificationDiscussionALFVÉN WAVES WITHIN THE EARTH'S CORE, D. Jault and G. L´egautPropagation of Alfv´en waves within an entirelyfluid spherical bodyTopographical effects at the CMBInfluence of a conducting inner coreConcluding remarksTURBULENCE MODELS AND PLANE LAYER DYNAMOS, C.A. Jones and P.H. RobertsBackground to the LANS o-modelsModel description and governing equationsThe hyperdiffusive and the LANS o-modelsSubgrid scale boundary conditionsLinear theoryNumerical simulationsConclusionsPLANETARY AND STELLAR DYNAMOS: CHALLENGES FOR NEXT GENERATION MODELS, Gary A. GlatzmaierCurrent 3D geodynamo simulationsLaminar approximations of turbulent flows2D Turbulent magnetoconvection simulationsDiscussionCONVECTION IN ROTATING SPHERICAL FLUID SHELLS AND ITS DYNAMO STATES, F.H. Busse and R. SimitevMathematical formulation of the problemConvection in rotating spherical shellsEvolution of convection columns at small Prandtl numbersConvection at very small Prandtl numbersConvection driven dynamos at moderate Prandtl numbersConvection driven dynamos in low Prandtl number fluidsTorsional oscillationsOscillating dipolar dynamosDiscussion and outlookLABORATORY EXPERIMENTS ON LIQUID METAL DYNAMOS AND LIQUID METAL MHD TURBULENCE, Stephan Fauve and Daniel P. LathropSelf-generation in Riga and KarlsruheGenerating a fully three-dimensional turbulent flow in a compact volumeMotivations for rapidly rotating flowsConcluding remarksINDEX