Section 1 Introductory Perspective 1. Everyday Technology in Healthcare: An Introduction Christopher M. Hayre, Dave J. Muller, and Marcia J. Scherer Section 2 Contemporary Applications in Healthcare 2. Therapy through Play: Advancing the Role of Robotics in Paediatric Rehabilitation S. Lindsay, L. Rampertab, and C.J. Curran 3. Alzheimer’s and mHealth: Regulatory, Privacy and Ethical Considerations Bonnie Kaplan and Sofia Ranchordás 4. Exergaming for Health and Fitness Application Maziah Mat Rosly, Hadi Mat Rosly, and Mark Halaki 5. Technology Solutions and Programs to Promote Leisure and Communication Activities with People with Intellectual and other Disabilities Giulio E. Lancioni, Nirbhay N. Singh, Mark F. O’Reilly, and Jeff Sigafoos 6. Using Digital Photography to Support the Communication of People with Aphasia, Dementia or Cognitive-Communication Deficits Karen Hux and Carly Dinnes 7. Common and Assistive Technology to Support People with Specific Learning Disabilities to Access Healthcare Dianne Chambers and Sharon Campbell 8. Pervasive and Emerging Technologies and Consumer Motivation David Banes 9. Feedback-Based Technologies for Adult Physical Rehabilitation Leanne Hassett and Natalie Allen, Maayken van den Berg 10. Engaging Young Children in Speech and Language Therapy via Videoconferencing Stuart Ekberg, Sandra Houen, Belinda Fisher, Maryanne Theobald, and Susan Danby 11. Digital Communication and Social Media for People with Communicative and Cognitive Disabilities Margret Buchholz, Ulrika Ferm, and Kristina Holmgren 12. Mobile Technology to Facilitate Self-Management and Independence among Adolescents and Young Adults with Disabilities – Best Practices and the State of the Science Michelle A. Meade and Marisa J. Perera 13. Principles and Practical Uses of Virtual Reality Games as a Physical Therapy Strategy Lorena Cruz, Felipe Augusto dos Santos Mendes, Silvia Gonçalves Ricci Neri, and Rodrigo Luiz Carregaro 14. Project Career: The Matching Person and Technology Model and Everyday Technology in Action Deborah Minton, Elaine Sampson, Amanda Nardone, and Callista Stauffer 15. Everyday Communication and Cognition TechnologiesJerry K. Hoepner and Thomas W. Sather 16. Mobile Technology in Aphasia Rehabilitation: Current Trends and Lessons Learnt Caitlin Brandenburg and Emma Power 17. Technology Acceptance, Adoption, and Usability: Arriving at Consistent Terminologies and Measurement Approaches Lili Liu, Antonio Miguel Cruz, and Adriana Maria Rios Rincon 18. Artificial Intelligence Hadi Mat Rosly and Maziah Mat Rosly