Han Phoumin is Senior Energy Economist with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia. He has more than20 years of experience working at various international and inter-governmental organisations and multi-disciplinary research consortiums related to the energy market and technologies, environment, integrated water resource management, governance, and economic development in the region of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and East Asia. He specialises in economic development and policy and applied econometrics. Much of his career over the pastten years has involved the power sector, especially sustainable hydropower development, renewable energy research, energy efficiency, clean coal technology, energy security, and energy demand and supply forecasting. Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary is Associate Professor of economics at Tokai University in Japan, and Visiting Professor at Keio University, Japan. He is a grantee of the Excellent Young Researcher (LEADER) award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan with a five-year competitive research grant (2019–2024). He is currently serving as Associate Editor of Finance Research Letters and Associate Editor of the Singapore Economic Review. He obtained a PhD in energy economics from Keio University, Japan in 2015 with a scholarship from the Government of Japan. Fukunari Kimura is Professor in the Faculty of Economics, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan since 2000 and Dean of the Graduate School of Economics, Keio University since 2015. He is also Chief Economist at the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Jakarta, Indonesia since 2008. He serves as a co-editor of the Journal of the Japanese and International Economies. He specialises in international trade and development economics. In particular, he has recently been active writing academic and semi-academic books and articles on international production networks and economic integration in East Asia.