The Encyclopedia of the Neuroscience explores all areas of the discipline in its focused entries on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and other related areas of neuroscience. Each article is written by an expert in that specific domain and peer reviewed by the advisory board before acceptance into the encyclopedia. Each article contains a glossary, introduction, a reference section, and cross-references to other related encyclopedia articles. Written at a level suitable for university undergraduates, the breadth and depth of coverage will appeal beyond undergraduates to professionals and academics in related fields. Arranged alphabetically by title, the articles encompass 10 volumes, making this the authoritative reference for the field.
* Double the size of any other neuroscience encyclopedia, its breadth and depth of content and excellent full search functionality appeals to undergraduates, professionals, and academics alike
* Equivalent to 10 volumes, amassing content from more than 2,400 experts worldwide, covering all major areas of neuroscience and neurology
* Edited by Larry Squire, former President for the Society for Neuroscience and established editor of the popular textbook, Fundamental Neuroscience
* Structured for success, each article contains an introduction, a reference section, a glossary, and a wealth of cross-references linking to premium related journal and book content
* Over 3,000 color photographs and detailed, explanatory line illustrations