Acknowledgments. Preface. Section 1: A Great Record of Achievement. Section 2: The Papers 1. ‘Convergent and Divergent Thinking’ in Butcher, H.J. and Pont, H.B. (Eds) (1973) Educational Research in Britain 2. ‘Examinations in Education’ in Cox, P.R., Miles, H.B. and Pell, J. (Eds) (1975) Inequalities in Education 3. ‘The Case Against Examinations’, Supplement to Education (1978) 4. ‘A Rash Attempt to Measure Standards’, Supplement to Education (1979) 5. ‘The Myth of Comparability’, Journal of the National Association of Inspectors and Advisors (1979) 6. ‘Will the APU Rule the Curriculum?’, Supplement to Education (1980) 7. ‘Did the Secondary Schools Get a Fair Trial?’, Education (1980) 8. ‘Unnatural Selection?’, The Times Educational Supplement, 18 November 1983 9. ‘Doomsday or a New Dawn? The Prospects for a Common System of Examining at 16+’ in Broadfoot, P. (Ed.) (1984) Selection, Certification and Control 10. (with H. Goldstein) ‘Profiles and Graded Tests: The Technical Issues’, Profiles in Action (1984) 11. ‘What Can We Learn from Research on Testing and Appraisal?’ in Dockrell, B. et al. (Eds) (1986) Appraising Appraisal 12. ‘Problems in the Measurement of Change’ in Nuttall, D. (Ed.) (1986) Assessing Educational Achievement 13. (with H. Goldstein) ‘Can Graded Assessments, Records of Achievement, Modular Assessment and the GCSE co-exist?’ in Gipps, C.V. (Ed.) (1986) The GCSE: An Uncommon Exam 14. ‘The Validity of Assessments’, European Journal of the Psychology of Education (1987) 15. (with H. Goldstein, R. Presser and H. Rasbash) ‘Differential School Effectiveness’, International Journal of Educational Research (1988) 16. ‘National Assessment: Complacency or Misinterpretation?’ in Lawton, D. (Ed.) (1989) The Educational Reform Act: Choice and Control 17. ‘National Assessment – Will Reality Match Aspirations?’, BPS Education Section Review (1989) 18. Assessment in England (1991) 19. ‘Choosing Indicators’ in Riley, K. and Nuttall, D.L. (Eds) (1994) Measuring Quality: Education Indicators United Kingdom and International Perspectives 20. Presentation at Centre for Policy Studies Conference, 21 September 1993. Section 3: An Unfinished Pilgrimage A Bibliography of Desmond Nuttall’s Major Publications. References. Index