Education and Sexualities Edited by Peter Aggleton with Kerry Robinson, Kath Albury, Louisa Allen, Cristyn Davies, Suzanne Dyson, Roger Ingham, Sharon Lamb, Daniel Marshall, Claire Maxwell, Alan McKee, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Ian Rivers Peter Aggleton - Education and Sexualities: Editorial Introduction Volume I – Contexts Part 1: Childhood, Youth and Sexuality in Education Kerry Robinson – section introduction Nicola Surtees, ‘Teacher Talk about and around Sexuality in Early Childhood Education: Deciphering an Unwritten Code’, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 2005, 6, 1, 19-29. Kerry Robinson and Cristyn Davies, ‘Docile Bodies and Heteronormative Moral Subjects: Constructing the Child and Sexual Knowledge in Schooling’, Sexuality and Culture, 2008, 12, 221-239. Mindy Blaise, ‘Kiss and tell: Gendered Narratives and Childhood Sexuality’, Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 2010, 35, 1, 1-9 Emma Renold, ‘'They Won't Let us Play Unless you're Going Out with One of Them': Girls, Boys and Butler's 'Heterosexual Matrix' in the Primary Years’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 2006, 27, 4, 489-509. Wendy Cumming-Potvin and Wayne Martino, ‘Teaching about Queer Families: Surveillance, Censorship, and the Schooling of Sexualities’, Teaching Education, 2014, 25, 3, 309-333. Part 2: Sexualities, Education and the Media Kath Albury – section introduction Louisa Allen, ‘Closing Sex Education's Knowledge/Practice Gap: The Reconceptualisation of Young People's Sexual Knowledge’, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 2001, 1, 2, 109-122. Pamela Ramlagun, ‘"Don't Call Me Weird, but I Normally Watch Porn" – Girls, Sexuality and Porn’, Agenda: Empowering Women for Gender Equity, 2012, 26, 3, 31–37. C. J. Pascoe, ‘Resource and Risk: Youth Sexuality and New Media Use’, Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2011, 8, 1, 5-17. Amy Adele Hasinoff, ‘Sexting as Media Production: Rethinking Social Media and Sexuality’, New Media & Society, 2012, 1-17. Sara Bragg, ‘‘Having a Real Debate’: Using Media as a Resource in Sex Education’, Sex Education, 2006, 6, 4, 317-331. Part 3: Classroom Interactions and Processes Louisa Allen – section introduction M. Kehily, ‘Producing Heterosexualities: The School as a Site of Discursive Practices’, in Sexuality, Gender and Schooling: Shifting Agendas in Social Learning (London: RoutledgeFalmer, 2002), pp. 52-72. Pam Alldred, Miriam E. David and Pat Smith, ‘Teachers' Views of Teaching Sex Education: Pedagogy and Models of Delivery’, Journal of Educational Enquiry, 2003, 4, 1, 80-96. Louisa Allen, ‘‘It's Not who they Are, It's what they are Like': Reconceptualising the 'Best Educator' Debate in Sexuality Education’, Sex Education, 2009, 9, 3, 33-49. Lynda Measor, ‘Young People's Views of Sex Education: Gender, Information and Knowledge’, Sex Education, 2004, 4, 2, 153-166. Kathleen Quinlivan, ‘Popular Culture as Emotional Provocation: The Material Enactment of Queer Pedagogies in a High School Classroom’, Sex Education, 2012, 12, 5, 511-522. Part 4: Communication about Sex and Relationships at Home Suzanne Dyson – section introduction Cristyn Davies and Kerry Robinson, ‘Hatching Babies and Stork Deliveries: Risk and Regulation in the Construction of Children’s Sexual Knowledge’, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 2010, 11, 3, 249-262. Nicole Stone, Roger Ingham and Katie Gibbins,’ ‘Where do Babies Come From?’ Barriers to Early Sexuality Communication between Parents and Young Children’, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 2013, 13, 2, 228-240. Triece Turnbull, Anna van Wersch and Paul van Schaik, ‘Parents as Educators of Sex and Relationship Education: The Role for Effective Communication in British Families’, Health Education Journal, 2011, 70, 3, 240-248. Ellen K. Wilson, Barbara T. Dalberth and Helen P. Koo, ‘"We're the Heroes!": Fathers' Perspectives on Their Role In Protecting Their Preteenage Children from Sexual Risk’, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2010, 42, 2, 117-124. Suzanne Dyson and Elizabeth Smith, ‘‘There are Lots of Different Kinds of Normal’: Families and Sex Education – Styles, Approaches and Concerns’, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, 2012, 12, 2, 219-229. Volume II – Approaches Part 1: Sexualities and Curriculum Louisa Allen – Section ntroduction Daniel Monk, ‘New Guidance/Old Problems: Recent Developments in Sex Education’, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 2001, 23, 3, 271-291. Renée DePalma and Elizabeth Atkinson, ‘'No Outsiders': Moving Beyond a Discourse of Tolerance to Challenge Teteronormativity in Primary Schools’, British Educational Research Journal, 2009, 35, 6, 837-855. J. Fields, ‘Differences and Divisions: Social Inequality in Sex Education Debates and Policies’, in Risky Lessons: Sex Education and Social Inequality, (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2008), pp. 37-67. Mary Louise Rasmussen, ‘Pleasure/Desire, Sexularism and Sexuality Education’, Sex Education, 2012, 12, 4, 469-481. L. Allen, M. Rasmussen and K. Quinlivan, 'Introduction: Putting Pleasure Under Pressure’, in Louisa Allen, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Kathleen Quinlivan (eds), The Politics of Pleasure in Sexuality Education: Pleasure Bound (New York: Routledge, 2014), pp. 1-11. Part 2: Working Positively with Sexual and Gender Diversity in Schools Cristyn Davies – Section Introduction Graciela Slesaransky-Poe, Lisa Ruzzi, Connie Dimedio and Jeanne Stanley, ‘Is This The Right Elementary School For My Gender Nonconforming Child?’, Journal of LGBT Youth, 2013, 10, 1-2, 29-44. Elizabethe C. Payne and Melissa Smith, ‘The Reduction of Stigma in Schools: A New Professional Development Model for Empowering Educators to Support LGBTQ Students’, Journal of LGBT Youth, 2011, 8, 2, 174-200. Jennifer C. Ingrey, ‘The Limitations and Possibilities For Teaching Transgender Issues in Education To Preservice Teachers’, in Elizabeth Meyer and Annie Pullen- Sansfaçon (eds), Supporting Transgender and Gender Creative Youth Schools: Families and Communities in Action (New York: Peter Lang, 2014), pp. 97-110. Kerry H. Robinson and Tania Ferfolja, 'Playing it Up, Playing it Down, Playing it Safe: Queering Teacher Education', Teaching and Teacher Education, 2008, 24, 4, 846 - 858. Cristyn Davies and David McInnes, ‘Speaking Violence: Homophobia and the Production of Injurious Speech in Schooling Cultures’, in Cristyn Davies, Kerry H. Robinson and Sue Saltmarsh (eds), Rethinking School Violence (United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), pp. 131-148. Part 3: Addressing Gender and Sexual Violence in Schools Claire Maxwell – Section Introduction Elizabeth J. Meyer, ‘Gendered Harassment in Secondary Schools: Understanding Teachers' (non) Interventions’, Gender and Education, 2008, 20, 6, 555-570. Amanda Keddie, ‘'Some of Those Girls can be Real Drama queens': Issues of Gender, Sexual Harassment and Schooling’, Sex Education, 2009, 9, 1, 1-16. Jo Heslop, Jenny Parkes, Francisco Januario, Susan Sabaa, Samwel Oando and Tim Hess, ‘Sexuality, Sexual Norms and Schooling: Choice-Coercion Dilemmas’, in J. Parkes, ed., Gender Violence in Poverty Contexts: the Educational Challenge (London: Routledge, 2014), pp. 218-243. Moira Carmody and Georgia Ovenden, ‘Putting Ethical Sex into Practice: Sexual Negotiation, Gender and Citizenship in the Lives of Young Women and Men’, Journal of Youth Studies, 2013, 16, 6, 792-807. Claire Maxwell and Peter Aggleton, ‘Preventing Violence against Women and Girls: A ‘Whole-School Approach’’, in J. Ellis and R. K. Thiara (eds), Working with Children and Young People to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls: Lessons for Policy and Practice (Bristol: The Policy Press, 2014), 103-122. Part 4: Sexual and Homophobic Bullying in Schools Ian Rivers – Section Introduction V. Paul Poteat, ‘Peer Group Socialization of Homophobic Attitudes and Behavior during Adolescence’, Child Development, 2007, 78, 6, 1830-1842. Mark L. Hatzenbuehler, ‘The Social Environment and Suicide