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Tickell, ‘Performing Finance: The Industry, the Media and its Image’, Review of International Political Economy, 2004, 11, 2, 289–310. 26. S. Nield, ‘There is Another World: Space, Theatre and Global Anti-capitalism’, Contemporary Theatre Review, 2006, 16, 1, 51–61. 27. D. Blaney and N. Inayatullah, ‘Undressing the Wound of Wealth: Political Economy as a Cultural Project’, in J. Best and M. Paterson (eds.), Cultural Political Economy (Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2010), pp. 29–47. 28. V. S. Peterson, ‘Informalization, Inequalities and Global Insecurities’, International Studies Review, 2010, 12, 2, 244–70. 29. G. Standing, ‘The Precariat: From Denizens to Citizens?’, Polity, 2012, 44, 4, 588–608. Development, Aid, Intervention 30. C. Sylvester, ‘Global "Development" Dramaturgies/Gender Stagings’, Borderlands, 2003, 2, 2. 31. C. Moulin and P. Nyers, ‘"We Live in a Country of UNHCR"—Refugee Protests and Global Political Society’, International Political Sociology, 2007, 1, 4, 356–72. 32. C. Elliott, ‘The Day Democracy Died: The Depoliticizing Effects of Democratic Development’, Alternatives, 2009, 34, 3, 249–74. 33. D. Bulley, ‘The Politics of Ethical Foreign Policy: A Responsibility to Protect Whom?’, European Journal of International Relations, 2010, 16, 3, 441–61. 34. M. Duffield, ‘Risk-Management and the Fortified Aid Compound: Everyday Life in Post-Interventionary Society’, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 2010, 4, 4, 453–74. 35. L. Zanotti, ‘Cacophonies of Aid, Failed State Building and NGOs in Haiti: Setting the Stage for Disaster, Envisioning the Future’, Third World Quarterly, 2010, 31, 5, 755–71. 36. A. Mitchell and L. Kelly, ‘Peaceful Spaces? "Walking" through the New Liminal Spaces of Peacebuilding and Development in North Belfast’, Alternatives, 2011, 36, 4, 307–25. 37. J. Dankoff, ‘Toward a Development Discourse Inclusive of Music’, Alternatives, 2011, 36, 3, 257–69. Identity, Decoloniality, Difference 38. S. N. Grovogui, ‘Come to Africa: A Hermeneutics of Race in International Theory’, Alternatives, 2001, 26, 4, 425–48. 39. C. Ballantine, ‘Re-thinking "Whiteness"? Identity, Change and "White" Popular Music in Post-Apartheid South Africa’, Popular Music, 2004, 23, 2, 105–31. 40. J. T. Johnson, ‘Indigeneity’s Challenges to the White Settler-State: Creating a Thirdspace for Dynamic Citizenship’, Alternatives, 2008, 33, 1, 29–52. 41. M. Suetsugu, ‘Dividing Practices, Subjectivity, Subalternity’, Alternatives, 2010, 35, 4, 401–23. 42. A. H. M. Nordin, ‘Taking Baudrillard to the Fair Exhibiting China in the World at the Shanghai Expo’, Alternatives, 2012, 37, 2, 106–20. 43. H. Worthen, ‘Women and Microcredit: Alternative Readings of Subjectivity, Agency, and Gender Change in Rural Mexico’, Gender, Place & Culture, 2012, 19, 3, 364–81. Volume III: Empirical interventions II : movement, violence, accountability Migration, Movement, Borders 44. C. Aradau, ‘The Perverse Politics of Four-Letter Words: Risk and Pity in the Securitisation of Human Trafficking’, Millennium, 2004, 33, 2, 251–77. 45. R. L. Doty, ‘Fronteras Compasivas and the Ethics of Unconditional Hospitality’, Millennium, 2006, 35, 1, 53–74. 46. M. Budz, ‘A Heterotopian Analysis of Maritime Refugee Incidents’, International Political Sociology, 2009, 3, 1, 18–35. 47. E. Puumala and S. Pehkonen, ‘Corporeal Choreographies Between Politics and the Political: Failed Asylum Seekers Moving from Body Politics to Bodyspaces’, International Political Sociology, 2010, 4, 1, 50–65. 48. D. Tangseefa, ‘Taking Flight in Condemned Grounds: Forcibly Displaced Karens and the Thai-Burmese In-Between Spaces’, Alternatives, 2006, 31, 4, 405–29. 49. R. Vij, ‘Temporality, Civic Engagement, and Alterity Indo-Kei in Contemporary Japan’, Alternatives, 2012, 37, 1, 3–29. Violence, War, Security 50. C. Weber, ‘Flying Planes Can Be Dangerous’, Millennium, 2002, 31, 1, 129–47. 51. M. Stern, ‘"We" the Subject: The Power and Failure of (In)Security’, Security Dialogue, 2006, 37, 2, 187–205. 52. A. Howell, ‘Victims or Madmen? The Diagnostic Competition over "Terrorist" Detainees at Guantanamo Bay’, International Political Sociology, 2007, 1, 1, 29–47. 53. L. Lobo-Guerrero, ‘Biopolitics of Specialized Risk: An Analysis of Kidnap and Ransom Insurance’, Security Dialogue, 2007, 38, 3, 315–34.