Roxanne Heffernan, PhD, MSc, is an Adjunct Teaching Fellow at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and works in the field of Correctional rehabilitation. Dr Heffernan completed her PhD in 2020, this research focused on developing explanations of offending based in human agency and applying these to Correctional practice. She has published a number of academic papers on dynamic risk and protective factors and their relationship to human agency and crime.
Tony Ward, PhD, MA (Hons), DipClinPsyc, is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Dr. Ward has previously taught clinical and forensic psychology at Canterbury, Melbourne and Deakin universities. He has over 440 academic publications and his research interests are offender desistance and rehabilitation, forensic and correctional ethics, and theoretical issues in psychopathology. His books include Rehabilitation: Beyond the riskparadigm , coauthored with Shadd Maruna (Routledge, 2007), Desistance from sex offending: Alternatives to throwing away the keys, coauthored with Richard Laws ( Guilford, 2011), and Evolutionary Criminology, coauthored with Russell Durrant (Academic Press, 2015). Dr. Ward is the developer of the Good Lives Model for the rehabilitation of offenders.