Introduction, Michael Roe; The Basic Assumptions and Realisation of the Polish Economic Reconstruction Programme, Krzysztof Dobrowolski and Janusz Zurek; Privatisation of State Owned Enterprises in Poland’s Economy, Krzysztof Dobrowolski; System Transformation in Poland’s Seaports, Konrad Misztal; The Privatisation of Polish Shipping, Present Situation and Development, Maciej Krzyzanowski and E. Skurewicz; Poland in the Southern Baltic Transit Market, Krystyna Wasilewska; The Influence of Changes in East European Countries Upon Their Merchant Fleets, Tadeusz Lodykowski; The Impact of Poland’s Political and Economic Changes Upon the Shipping Sector, Michal Rosa; The Place of Polish Seaports in the Baltic Sea Basin, Konrad Misztal; Liability, Conventions, Classifications Societies and Safety in the Baltic – A Case Study of the Estonia, Chris Dent and Michael Roe; Shipping and the Baltic Mental Trades, Kevin Cullinane and Marius Rostock Olsen.