GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND PROCESSESThe Rising Bar - Medical Product Design Excellence, M.E. WiklundThe Role of Industrial Design and Human Engineeringin the Design of Software-Driven Medical Products, S.B. WilcoxIs Your Human Factors Program Ready for FDA Scrutiny? M.E. WiklundHuman Factors RoundtableUser-Centered Medical Product Development and theProblem of Egocentrism, S.B. WilcoxEthnographic Methods for New Product Development, S.B. WilcoxTime-Lapse Video Offers More Information in Less Time, S.B. WilcoxFinding and Using Data Regarding the Shape and Sizeof the User's Body, S.B. WilcoxCan You Trust What People Say? S.B. WilcoxEight Ways to Kill Innovation, S.B. WilcoxDeveloping Testable Product Simulations:Speed Is of the Essence, S.B. WilcoxPatient Simulators Breathe Life into Product Testing, M.E. WiklundReturn of the Renaissance Person: A Valuable Contributorto Medical Product Development, S.B. WilcoxPatenting Software User Interfaces, M.E. WiklundDESIGN METHODS AND GUIDANCEThe Vision Statement for Product Design - In Your Mind's Eye, M.E. WiklundMaking Medical Device Interfaces More User-Friendly, M.E. WiklundControlling Complexity, M.E. WiklundEleven Keys to Designing Error-ResistantMedical Devices, M.E. WiklundDesigning a Global User Interface, M.E. WiklundWhy Choose Color Displays? M.E. WiklundIntuitive Design: Removing Obstacles Also Increases Appeal, M.E. WiklundMedical Devices That Talk, M.E. WiklundHome-Healthcare: Applying Inclusive Design Principles to Medical Devices, S.B. WilcoxDesigning Usable Auditory Signals, S.B. WilcoxMedical Device User Manuals: Shifting toward Computerization, M.E. WiklundCORPORATE HUMAN FACTORS PROGRAMSUser-Centered Design at Abbott Laboratories, E.W. Israelski and W.H. MutoUser-Centered Design at ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY, L. SpreckelmeierPRODUCT DESIGN CASE STUDIESCase Study: Personal Hemodialysis SystemCase Study: Patient MonitorCase Study: Contrast Medium Injector System for CT ScanningCase Study: Remotely Controlled DefibrillatorResourcesIndex