1 Competition, Diversification, and Disintegration in Regulated Industries.- 2 Feasibility of Deregulation: A Public Choice Analysis.- 3 Price Cap Regulation of Telecommunications Services: A Long-Run Approach.- 4 Efficiency Aspects of Diversification by Public Utilities.- 5 Efficient Income Measures and the Partially Regulated Firm.- 6 Decentralized Pricing in Natural Monopolies.- 7 New Technologies and Diversified Telecommunications Services: Policy Problems in an ISDN Environment.- 8 Contestable Markets and Telecommunications.- 9 Competition and Cooperation in Deregulated Bulk Power Markets.- 10 Diversification, Deregulation, and Competition: Cost of Capital Implications for Electric Utilities.- 11 The Financial Fallout from Chernobyl: Risk Perceptions and Regulatory Response.