Gautam Mahajan, international leader in Value Creation, strategy, general management, and globalization is President of Customer Value Foundation. He is Founder Editor of the Journal of Creating Value, He chairs the Global Conferences on Creating Value and mentors the Creating Value Alliance, Value Creation is coined as the Purpose of a company by the Business Roundtable. His books are Value Dominant Logic; Value Imperative; Value Creation; Creating Customer Value Can Make you a Great Executive; Total Customer Value Management; Customer Value Investment, Customer Value Starvation Can Kill (with Walter Vieira). He is associated with the Centre for Social Value Creation at the U of Maryland, and the Value Creation Wheel Lab at Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, Portugal. We helped start the Value School at Kobe University, Japan, The Creating Value School at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and the Value Research Center at Doshisha University in Japan and the Creating Value Centre in Denmark. He also chairs the Global Conferences on Creating Value. His clients included Alcoa, GE, GE Capital, State Farm Insurance, Wisconsin Energies, Sun Australia, Sealed Air, Rexam, Reynolds, Tatas, Godrej, ITC, Birla’s etc., Mr. Mahajan worked in the US for 17 years with Continental Group, (then a Fortune 50 company). He ran businesses for them. He is one of the inventors of the PET petaloid bottle and noise control kits. He has 18 US patents. Mr. Mahajan is past Global President of the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce. He was Chairman, PlastIndia Committee, Vice President All India Plastics Manufacturers Association, Trustee Plastics Institute of America. He was a member of the US India think tank. Among his honors is a Fellowship from Harvard Business School and Illinois Institute of Technology. He also has 18 US patents. He was honored by the Illinois Institute of Technology with its Distinguished Alumni award. He delivered the first Distinguished Engineering lecture at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago in May, 2012. He has chaired and given keynotes in conferences in several countries. He was the only Indian speaker at the Kotler Marketing summit in 2020, keynoted in 2021 and 2022. He can be reached at