OrganisersPreface Committees Special papers Keynote lectures Recent advances in understanding and improving the performance of lining and capping systems for landfill and mining applications R.K. Rowe Coupled modelling of barriers for radioactive waste disposal A. Gens Application of solid potassium permanganate to oxidize VOC vapours: Batch and column experiments M.G. Mahmoodlu, S.M. Hassanizadeh, N. Hartog & A. Raoof General reports Membrane behavior in engineered bentonite-based containment barriers: State of the art C. Shackelford Liquid and gas flow in municipal solid waste W. Powrie, R.P. Beaven, D.S. Holmes & A.P. Hudson Experimental evidence of anisotropy in municipal solid waste D. Zekkos Impact of subgrade water content on cation exchange and hydraulic conductivity of geosynthetic clay liners in composite barriers C.H. Benson Advances in the analysis of thermo-active foundations L. Laloui, T. Mimouni & F. Dupray Bio-geo-chemical processes for improvement of soil engineering properties with focus on microbially induced calcite precipitation J.D. DeJong, B.C. Martinez, T.R. Ginn & D.C. Nelson Multiphase aspects of soil contamination by immiscible petroleum hydrocarbons P. Delage Electrokinetic remediation of soils at complex contaminated sites: Technology status, challenges, and opportunities K.R. Reddy Cement bentonite cutoff walls for polluted sites K. Soga, K. Joshi & J.C. Evans Specific lectures Osmotic phenomena in bentonites A. Dominijanni, M. Manassero & S. Puma Effect of mechanical settlement on biogas transfer in MSW landfills L. Oxarango, J.P. Gourc, G. Stoltz & A.J. Tinet Mass loss and volume change: From sand-salt analogues to MSW J.R. McDougall, I.R. Fleming, R. Thiel, P. Dewaele, D. Parker & D. Kelly Modeling the coupled chemo-hydro-mechanical behavior of compacted active clays G. Musso, G. Della Vecchia & E. Romero Soil effective thermal conductivity from energy pile thermal tests A. Bouazza, B.Wang & R.M. Singh Modification of clay consolidation properties using microbial gas production A.M. Puzrin Injection of zero-valent iron micro- and nano-particles for groundwater remediation: Laboratory tests and transport modelling T. Tosco, F. Gastone & R. Sethi Modelling gas and water flow in environmental problems S. Olivella Migration of aggressive solutions through cement-bentonite slurry walls E. Fratalocchi, V. Brianzoni, M. Di Sante, F. Mazzieri & E. Pasqualini General papers Landfill bottom and sides lining systems Comparison of natural, polymer treated, and sodium activated Ca-bentonites G. Di Emidio, R.D.F. Verastegui & A. Bezuijen Dynamic shear behavior of geosynthetic-soil interface and numerical implementation considering chemical effect C.W. Kwak, I.J. Park, J.B. Park & J.K. Kim Influence of membrane behavior on solute diffusion through GCLs M. Malusis, J. Kang & C. Shackelford Hydraulic behaviour of activated calcium bentonite mixed with polyionic charged polymers for landfill and earthwork applications A. Razakamanantsoa, I. Djeran-Maigre & G. Barast Interaction between clogging of a leachate drainage layer and leakage through a composite liner R.K. Rowe, Y. Yu & M.S. Hosney Some geotextiles properties useful for HDPE geomembrane puncture protection G. Stoltz, D. Croissant & N. Touze-Foltz Landfill waste characterization Geotechnical characterization of waste dredged sediments for Algerian dams M.A. Bourabah, B. Serbah, N. Abou-Bekr & S. Taibi Dynamic characterization of municipal solid waste by SDMT F. Castelli & M. Maugeri Correlation between compressibility and degradation for a PTMB waste M. Conte, J.P. Gourc, P. Carrubba & L. Oxarango A laboratory landfill simulator for physical, geotechnical, chemical and microbial characterization of solid waste biodegradation processes X. Fei, D. Zekkos & L. Raskin Leachate recirculation using horizontal trenches considering the effect of MSW settlement S.J. Feng & X. Zhang 2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami – Geoenvironmental challenges T. Katsumi, T. Inui, A. Takai, K. Endo, H. Sakanakura, T. Yasutaka, Y. Otsuka, H. Suzuki, H. Sakamoto, M. Okawara & H. Imanishi Composition and degradation effects on the compaction characteristics of municipal solid wastes H.F. Pulat &Y. Yukselen-Aksoy Shear strength of municipal waste materials from two landfills in Serbia D. Rakic,L. Caki & S. Coric Stability and settlement analysis of landfills and natural slopes HydroMechanical coupled model for unsaturated phenomena in a rainfall-induced landslide W. Arairo, I. Djéran-Maigre, F. Prunier & A. Millard A model for anaerobic degradation of municipal solid waste Y.M. Chen, R.Y. Guo, Y.C. Li & L.T. Zhan Water retention and shrinkage properties of a cemented dredged material A.C.F. Chiu, X.P. Hu, C.W.W. Ng & G.H. Lei J -integral as a useful fracture parameter for analysis of desiccation cracking in clayey soils S. Costa, J. Kodikara & J. Xue Soil mass stability analysis using Euler-Lagrange coupling M.S. ¸Serbulea, A. Andronic, D.M. Manoli &A. Priceputu Piggyback liner detection by means of spatially constrained inversion of SWM data S. Stocco, C. Castiglia & D. Mainero Three-dimensional rotational-translational mechanism for the stability analysis of landfill H.Wang & M. Huang Linings for radioactive waste and capping systems for landfills and polluted sites Environmental restoration with deep roots herbaceous species N. Era & T. Verrascina Micropore vs. macropore flow: Implications for landfill final cover design M.V. Khire & D.S. Saravanathiiban Coupled thermo-hydraulic pulse tests on two reference Belgian clay formations A. Lima, E. Romero, A. Gens, J. Vaunat & X.L. Li Improved correction factor for indirect determination of permeability function Priono, H. Rahardjo, E.C. Leong, J.Y.Wang & K. Chatterjea Capillary barrier system for landfill capping H. Rahardjo, A. Satyanaga, F.R. Harnas, J.Y.Wang & E.C. Leong Geosynthetic clay liner gas permeability relationship with moisture content and suction under pre-conditioning stresses M.A. Rouf, R.M. Singh, A. Bouazza & R.K. Rowe Modeling of strain localization around the radioactive waste disposal galleries F. Salehnia, R. Charlier & S. Levasseur Constitutive model for unsaturated soils based on the effective stress H. Shin & S.R. Lee Crack control of landfill liner and cap materials using nano-alumina powder M.R. Taha & O.M. Taha Underground energy issues Coupled phenomena induced by freezing in a granular material F. Casini, A. Gens, S. Olivella & G.M.B. Viggiani Numerical study of the heating-cooling effects on the geotechnical behaviour of energy piles A. Di Donna, F. Dupray & L. Laloui Effect of groundwater flow on the THM behavior of an energy pile F. Dupray, M. Baehler & L. Laloui Thermal, hydraulic and mechanical performances of enhanced grouting materials for borehole heat exchanger S. Erol & B. François Technical and economic feasibility study of different thermal energy supply systems scenarios for multi-residential buildings R. Katzenbach, F. Clauss, D. Casini & H. Früchtenicht Long term performance of heat exchanger piles C.G. Olgun, S.L. Abdelaziz & J.R. Martin A device for studying simultaneous heat and moisture movement through soils B.H. Rao Soil thermal behavior of a horizontal ground source heat system H.R. Thomas, B.D.P. Hepburn & M. Sedighi Natural and anthropogenic bio-chemical processes within soils and rocks Mechanical and hydraulic effects of deep roots planting on slope stability M. Cecconi, V. Pane, P. Napoli & C. Zarotti Chemo-mechanical weathering of calcarenites: Experiments & theory M.O. Ciantia, C. di Prisco & R. Castellanza Chemo-mechanical behaviour of a low activity clay A. Ferrari, P.Witteveen & L. Laloui Exploiting physico-chemical modification of soils in closed face tunnelling S.A. Jefferis &