Preface: ; Introduction; I. THE CHALLENGE FOR PHYSICALISM; 1. Saul Kripke, "Naming and Necessity" (excerpt); 2. Thomas Nagel, "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?"; 3. Frank Jackson, "Epiphenomenal Qualia"; and "Postscript"; 4. Brie Gertler, "In Defense of Mind-Body Dualism"; 5. David J. Chalmers, "Consciousness and Its Place in Nature" (revised version); II. PHYSICALIST RESPONSES; A. A priori Physicalism; 6. Terence Horgan, "Jackson on Physical Information and Qualia"; 7. David J. Chalmers, "Phenomenal Concepts and the Knowledge Argument" (excerpt); 8. David K. Lewis, "Postscript to 'Mad Pain and Martian Pain'"; 9. William G. Lycan, "Ten Arguments against Nemirow and Lewis"; 10. Daniel C. Dennett, "What RoboMary Knows"; 11. Torin Alter, "Phenomenal Knowledge without Experience"; B. posteriori Physicalism; 12. Brian Loar, "Phenomenal States" (revised version, excerpt); 13. David Papineau, "Phenomenal and Perceptual Concepts"; 14. David J. Chalmers, "Phenomenal Concepts and the Explanatory Gap" (revised version); 15. Christopher Hill and Brian McLaughlin, "There are Fewer Things in Reality than are Dreamt of in Chalmers' Philosophy"; 16. Robert J. Howell, "The Ontology of Subjective Physicalism"; C. Representationalism; 17. Michael Tye, "Pr'ecis of Ten Problems of Consciousness"; and "Response to Discussants" (excerpt); 18. Ned Block, "Is Experience just Representing?"; 19. Amy Kind, "What's so Transparent about Transparency?"; 20. Frank Jackson, "Mind and Illusion"; 21. Torin Alter, "Does Representationalism Undermine the Knowledge Argument?"; III. ALTERNATIVE RESPONSES; 22. Grover Maxwell, "Rigid Designators and Mind-Brain Identity" (excerpt); 23. Galen Strawson, "Realistic Monism: Why Physicalism Entails Panpsychism"; 24. Philip Goff, "Experiences Don't Sum"; IV. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF IGNORANCE; 25. Colin McGinn, "Can We Solve The Mind-Body Problem?"; 26. Daniel Stoljar, "The Mysterian Version of The Epistemic View" (excerpt); and "Pr'ecis of Ignorance and Imagination"; 27. Derk Pereboom, "The Knowledge Argument and Introspective Inaccuracy"; 28. Barbara Montero, "Post-Physicalism"; 29. Robert J. Howell, "Physicalism, Old School"; V. MENTAL CAUSATION; 30. David Papineau, "The Case for Materialism" (excerpt); 31. Jaegwon Kim, "The Rejection of Immaterial Minds: A Causal Argument"; 32. David J. Chalmers, "The Paradox of Phenomenal Judgment" (excerpt); 33. Karen Bennett, "Exclusion Again" (excerpt)