Contents: Foreword. R.D. Day, M.E. Lamb, Conceptualizing and Measuring Father Involvement: Pathways, Problems, and Progress. R.D. Parke, S. Coltrane, S. Borthwick-Duffy, J. Powers, M. Adams, W. Fabricius, S. Braver, D. Saenz, Assessing Father Involvement in Mexican-American Families. L. Clarke, M. O'Brien, Father Involvement in Britain: The Research and Policy Evidence. W. Marsiglio, Studying Fathering Trajectories: In-Depth Interviewing and Sensitizing Concepts. J.H. Pleck, J.L. Stueve, A Narrative Approach to Paternal Identity: The Importance of Parental Identity: "Conjointness." D.C. Dollahite, A Narrative Approach to Exploring Responsible Involvement of Fathers With Their Special-Needs Children. S.S. Chuang, M.E. Lamb, C.P. Hwang, Internal Reliability, Temporal Stability, and Correlates of Individual Differences in Paternal Involvement: A 15-Year Longitudinal Study in Sweden. S. Gavazzi, A. Schock, A Multimethod Study of Father Participation in Family-Based Programming. C. Yang, C.H. Hart, D.A. Nelson, C.L. Porter, S.F. Olsen, C.C. Robinson, S. Jin, Fathering in a Beijing, Chinese Sample: Associations With Boys' and Girls' Negative Emotionality and Aggression. K. Pasley, S.L. Braver, Measuring Father Involvement in Divorced, Nonresident Fathers. M.J. Carlson, S.S. McLanahan, Early Father Involvement in Fragile Families. R.D. Day, A. Acock, Youth Ratings of Family Processes and Father Role Performance of Resident and Nonresident Fathers. K.M. Harris, S. Ryan, Father Involvement and the Diversity of Family Context. B.A. McBride, S.J. Schoppe, M-H. Ho, T.R. Rane, Multiple Determinants of Father Involvement: An Exploratory Analysis Using the PSID-CDS Data Set. A.S. Fuligni, J. Brooks-Gunn, Measuring Mother and Father Shared Caregiving: An Analysis Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics--Child Development Supplement. G.L. Fox, M.L. Benson, Violent Men, Bad Dads? Fathering Profiles of Men Involved in Intimate Partner Violence. V.L. Gadsden, J. Fagen, A. Ray, J.E. Davis, Fathering Indicators for Practice and Evaluation: The Fathering Indicators Framework. N. Cabrera, K. Moore, J. Bronte-Tinkew, T. Halle, J. West, J. Brooks-Gunn, N. Reichman, J. Teitler, K. Ellingsen, C.W. Nord, K. Boller, The DADS Initiative: Measuring Father Involvement in Large-Scale Surveys.