Volume 40, Number 4, 2005 Contents: R. Azevedo, Computer Environments as Metacognitive Tools for Enhancing Learning. R. Azevedo, Using Hypermedia as a Metacognitive Tool for Enhancing Student Learning? The Role of Self-Regulated Learning. B. White, J. Frederiksen, A Theoretical Framework and Approach for Fostering Metacognitive Development. A.C. Graesser, D.S. McNamara, K. VanLehn, Scaffolding Deep Comprehension Strategies Through Point&Query, AutoTutor, and iSTART. C. Quintana, M. Zhang, J. Krajcik, A Framework for Supporting Metacognitive Aspects of Online Inquiry Through Software-Based Scaffolding. X. Lin, D.L. Schwartz, G. Hatano, Toward Teachers' Adaptive Metacognition. S.A. Mathan, K.R. Koedinger, Fostering the Intelligent Novice: Learning From Errors With Metacognitive Tutoring. B.J. Zimmerman, K.E. Tsikalas, Can Computer-Based Learning Environments (CBLEs) Be Used as Self-Regulatory Tools to Enhance Learning?