J. Michael Spector is Professor of Learning Technologies in the College of Information at the University of North Texas, and is editor of
Educational Technology Research & Development. Dr. Spector served on the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (IBSTPI) as Executive Vice President; he is on the Executive Committee of the IEEE Learning Technology Technical Committee and is Past-President of the Association for Educational and Communications Technology (AECT).
Dirk Ifenthaler is Chair and Professor for Learning, Design and Technology at University of Mannheim, Germany, Adjunct Professor at Deakin University, Australia and Affiliate Research Scholar at the University of Oklahoma, USA. Dirk Ifenthaler’s research focuses on the intersection of cognitive psychology, educational technology, learning science, data analytics, and computer science. His research outcomes include numerous co-authored books, book series, book chapters, journal articles, and international conference papers, as well as successful grant funding in Australia, Germany, and USA – see Dirk’s website for a full list of scholarly outcomes at www.ifenthaler.info. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Springer journal Technology, Knowledge and Learning (www.springer.com/10758).
Demetrios G. Sampson is a Research Professor of Learning Technologies at the School of Education, Curtin University, Perth, Australia. He is also affiliated with the Information Technologies Institute, Centre of Research and Technology - Hellas Greece, European Union. Previously, he has been a Professor of Digital Systems for Learning and Education at the Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece (2003-2015) and a Senior Researcher at the Informatics and Telematics Institute, Centre of Research and Technology - Hellas Greece (2000-2003). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Educational Technology and Society Journal, a Senior Member of IEEE and a Golden Core Member of IEEE Computer Society.
Pedro Isaias is an associate professor at the Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University) in Lisbon, Portugal, responsible for several courses and director of the master degree program in Management / MBA. Was director of master degree program in Electronic Commerce and Internet since its start in 2003 until July 2014. He is co-founder and president of IADIS – International Association for Development of the Information Society (http://iadisportal.org/ ), a scientific non-profit association. He holds a PhD in Information Management (in the specialty of information and decision systems) from the New University of Lisbon. He is leading editor of Interactive Technologies and Smart Education (ITSE) Journal (http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=itse ) from Emerald. Pedro Isaias is an Adjunct Professor at School of InformationSystems – Curtin University, Australia.