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khan shaukat - collective phenomena in synchrotron radiation sources

Collective Phenomena in Synchrotron Radiation Sources Prediction, Diagnostics, Countermeasures

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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 10/2006
Edizione: 2006


This book is intended to dispel the notion that collective phenomena are an obscure and inaccessible topic. Having become increasingly important in modern storage rings, collective e?ects deserve to become part of the general education in accelerator physics. ItriedtowritethebookIwaslookingforwhenIstartedtostudycollective instabilities: an introduction that can be read from cover to cover with m- erate e?ort and familiarizes the reader with the basic concepts. Self-contained appendices contain what I considered worth discussing but might impair the readability of the main text, such as a reminder of basic relations and some background information on selected topics. Finally, an extensive list of r- erences was compiled (with some emphasis on accessibility of the source) in order to facilitate the search for more detailed information. A previous version of the present text was submitted in German language as Habilitationsschrift – a postdoctoral thesis, which is a peculiarity of the German academic system – to the Humboldt University of Berlin. It grew from my occupation with collective phenomena over ten years at the thi- generation synchrotron light source BESSY II. This has some consequences regarding the character of this text: • Thereisaclearemphasisonsynchrotronlightsourcesandelectronstorage rings. However, many concepts (wake ?eld, impedance, beam spectrum, beam lifetime, etc.) are quite general. • The selection of material re?ects my personal experience and some readers may want to skip over details that I considered important, while others may ?nd that their favorite topic was not covered in su?cient detail.


Collective Instabilities.- The Lifetime of a Stored Electron Beam.- Measures Against Collective Effects.- Conclusions and Outlook.


1987: graduation in nuclear physics at University Heidelberg
1989-1993: working in elementary particle physics at DESY/Hamburg - participation in the ARGUS experiment
1993-today:  working in accelerator physics, participation in design, construction and operation of the BESSY II synchrotron radiation source in Berlin,
2003: Habilitation at the Humboldt-University Berlin

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: Particle Acceleration and Detection
Dimensioni: 297 x 210 mm Ø 1060 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Illustration Notes:X, 203 p.
Pagine Arabe: 203
Pagine Romane: x

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