INTRODUCTION Efficient Spectrum Management: Challenges and Solutions; Tarek M. Salem, Sherine M. Abdel-Kader, Salah M. Abdel-MaGeid, and Mohamed ZakiA Survey on Joint Routing and Dynamic spectrum Access in Cognitive Radio Networks; Xianzhong Xie, Helin Yang, and Athanasios V. VasilakosNeighbor Discovery for Cognitive Radio Networks; Athar Ali Khan, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Yasir SaleemSPECTRUM SENSING Time-Domain Cognitive Sensor Networking; Stefano Busanelli, Gianluigi Ferrari, Alessandro Colazzo, and Jean-Michel DricotSpectrum Sensing in Cognitive Wireless Networks; Danda B. Rawat and Chandra BajracharyaCollaborative Spectrum Sensing Technique; Ashish Bagwari and Geetam Singh TomarNETWORK CODING AND DESIGNRadioelectric Channel Modeling and Impact on Global Wireless System Design; Francisco Falcone, Leire Azpilicueta, José Javier Astráin, and Jesús VilladangosNetwork Coding: An Optimized Solution for Cognitive Radio Networks; Muhammad Zubair Farooqi, Salma Malik Tabassum, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Yasir SaleemToward an Autonomic Cognitive Radio Platform; Youssef Nasser, Mariette Awad, Ali Yassin, and Youssef A. JaffalROUTINGIntelligent Routing in Graded Cognitive Networks; T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair and Kavitha SoodaEnergy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks: A Q-Learning Approach; Ling Hou, K. H. Yeung, and Angusk Y. WongDYNAMIC RADIO SPECTRUM ACCESSA Novel Opportunistic Spectrum Access Protocol Based on Transmission–Throughput Trade-Off for Cognitive Radio Networks; Shaojie Zhang, Haitao Zhao, Shengchun Huang, and Shan WangA Cognitive Algorithm based on the Weather Conditions to Enhance Wireless Outdoor Communications; Diana Bri, Miguel Garcia, Jaime Lloret, and Francisco RamosVEHICULAR COGNITIVE NETWORKS AND APPLICATIONSCognitive Handover for Vehicular Heterogeneous Networks: Issues and Challenges; Ali Safa Sadiq, Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar, Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Jaime Lloret, and Norshelia Binti FisalCognitive Radio-Enabled Vehicular Networking for Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems; Danda B. Rawat, Chandra Bajracharya, Jaime Lloret, and Kayhan Zrar GhafoorIndex