Professor Manuel Nistal Martin de Serrano received his medical degree in 1966 from the School of Medicine, Salamanca University, Spain and his Ph.D. in 1972 from the School of Medicine, Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain. From 1974-2013, he was the Head of the Pathology department of La Paz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain and full professor of Histology in the department of Anatomy, Histology and Neurosciences, UAM, Madrid, Spain (1983-today). Professor Nistal was emerited in 2013. He has published more than 250 publications in international journals and is an expert in testicular pathology.
Dr. Mª del Pilar González-Peramato Gutiérrez received his medical degree in 1983 from the School of Medicine, Extremadura University, Badajoz, Spain. In 1989, he received his Ph.D. from the School of Medicine, Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain. Dr. González-Peramato Gutiérrez worked as pathologist (1990-1997) and was head of uropathology and cytopathology in th
e Guadalajara University Hospital, Spain. Since 2007, he works at the School of Medicine, UAM, Madrid, Spain, where he is currently Associate Professor of Pathology. Furthermore, he is Head of the uropathology and male genital section at La Paz University Hospital, Spain and chair of the Urologic pathology group of the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP). He published more than 100 papers on urologic/male genital pathology and cytopathology and 11 book chapters (all dealing with testicular pathology).
Dr. Álvaro Serrano Pascual is Assistant Professor of Urology at the School of Medicine, UAM, Madrid, Spain and works as urologist at the San Carlos University Hospital, Madrid. He received his medical degree in 1983 from the School of Medicine, Extremadura University, Badajoz, Spain and his Ph.D. in 1994. Dr. Serrano Pascual has published 5 books, more than 80 scientific publications and contributed to more than 300 national and international meeting.