Preface Section I: Separation 1: Gas chromatography mas spectrometry: Basic concepts and instrumentation Basil Munjanja 2: GC-MS and LC-MS based screening and targeted profiling methods for environmental analysis Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern and Bruce Petrie 3: High resolution mass spectrometric techniques for structural characterization and determination of organic pollutants in the environment Nuria Cortés-Francisco and Josep Caixach 4: Application of thermal desorption mass spectrometry for the analysis of environmental pollutants Steven Sai Hang Ho, Judith C. Chow, Jian Zhen Yu,, John G. Watson, Jun-Ji Cao, Yu Huang Section II: Sample preparation and sampling strategies 5: Sample preparation methods for determination of pollutants in solid and complex environmental matrices C. Goncalves, M.A.D. Sousa, V.G. Samaras, C.M.R Almeida, M.C.P. Basto 6: Application of novel materials in sample treatment and separation: Clean-up and chromatographic improvements N. Fontanals 7: Advances in sample preparation for molecular imprinting in environmental applications Dimitra Lambropoulou, George Z. Kyzas, and Dimitrios Bikiaris 8: Sample preparation methods for determination of pollutants in air samples Francisco Pena-Pereira and Jacek Namiesnik 9: Passive sampling strategies for environmental monitoring in air and aquatic environment Anna-Akrivi Thomatou and Ioannis Konstantinou Section III: Quality assurance 10: Quality Assurance and Validation: General considerations and trends Roberta Galarini, Simone Moretti, and Giorgio Saluti 11: Proficiency Testing in Environmental Analysis: Achievements and challenges Ch. Alexopoulos, E. Kakoulidis, and E. Lampi 12: Reference Methods for the Measurement of Pollutants in Environmental MatricesLeo M.L. Nollet Section IV: Air Pollutants 13: Air Pollutants in Outdoor Environment (NOX, SO2, VOCs, HAPs (CO, O3)) C. Santamaría, D. Elustondo, E. Lasheras and J.M. Santamaría Section V: Residues in Different Matrices 14: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products Sergiane Souza Caldas, Ana Laura Venquiaruti Escarrone, and Ednei Gilberto Primel 15: Chromatographic Analysis of the Environment: Mass Spectrometry Based Approaches Ramiro Vallejo-Rodríguez, Mario Murillo-Tovar, Hugo Saldarriaga-Noreña, Leonel Hernández-Meza1, and Alberto López-López 16: Analysis of Plasticizers in Food and Environment Leo M.L. Nolle 17: Instrumental analysis of brominated flame retardants Mohamed Abou-Elwafa Abdallah,, Alin C. Dirtu, and Adrian Covaci 18: Naphthenic acids: Environmental occurrence and Chromatographic Analysis Adenugba A, Headley J, Peru K, and McMartin D Section VI: Transformation Products 19: Occurrence of transformation products of pharmaceutical and personal care products in the aquatic environment Myrsini Papageorgiou, Eleni Evgenidou, and Dimitra A. Lambropoulou