Travel agents have become an integral part of the worlds fastest growing travel and tourism industry. A large percentage of all international and domestic travel is arranged by travel agents. The scope and functions of a modern travel agency have increased manifold over the years. The present book The Business of Travel Agency and Tour Operations Management explains the various concepts of travel agency operations in a systematic manner and makes it easier for not only students of tourism management but also working professionals to comprehend the subject. Since customer relation is key to the success of travel agency business, the book explains the need for understanding and retaining the customers as it is easier to retain loyal customers than to make new ones. This book contains some additional features including key terms, comprehensive outline of as many concepts as possible, references and bibliography. Throughout, the approach has been to explain the concepts in a simple and comprehensive manner.
The main objective of the book is to provide valuable source material on the complex subject of travel agency business to graduate as well as post-graduate and management students of travel and tourism, travel agencies, airlines and others engaged in the business of tourism.