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rothman dale s.; irfan mohammod t.; hughes barry b.; margolese-malin eli; moyer jonathan d. - building global infrastructure

Building Global Infrastructure Forecasting the Next 50 Years

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Lingua: Inglese


Pubblicazione: 08/2014
Edizione: 1° edizione

Note Editore

Building Global Infrastructure is the fourth in a series of volumes-Patterns of Potential Human Progress-that uses the International Futures (IFs) simulation model to explore prospects for human development: how development appears to be unfolding globally and locally, how we would like it to evolve, and how better to assure that we move it in desired directions. Earlier volumes addressed the reduction of global poverty, the advance of global education, and the improvement of global health. Volume 4 sets out to tell the story of the future of global infrastructure. The approach used in this book focuses on the question of whether individual societies will be able to meet future infrastructure demands. Related questions include the following: * What is the range of realistically conceivable futures for infrastructure, considering both demand and supply? * How are the demands for infrastructure balanced with the ability to meet these demands, thereby linking the physical and financial treatment of infrastructure? * What are the effects of providing for infrastructure on issues such as economic productivity and health?


List of Boxes, List of Figures, List of Tables, Abbreviations and Acronyms, 1. Introduction, 2. The Story So Far, 3. Connecting Infrastructure, Human Development, and the Environment, 4. Methodologies and Tools for Forecasting Infrastructure, 5. Infrastructure Development and Spending in the IFs Base Case, 6. Achieving Infrastructure Goals and Targets: The Potential Human Well-being Effects, 7. The Future of Global Infrastructure, Appendix I: Countries in IFs by World Bank Developing Region and Economy Classification, Appendix II: Major Infrastructure Databases, Bibliography, Forecast Tables: Introduction and Glossary, Forecast Tables: Maps of Continents and Subregions, Forecast Tables, Index, Author Notes


Rothman, Dale S.; Irfan, Mohammod T.; Hughes, Barry B.; Margolese-Malin, Eli; Moyer, Jonathan D.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: Patterns of Potential Human Progress
Dimensioni: 11.01 x 8.25 in Ø 2.90 lb
Formato: Copertina rigida
Pagine Arabe: 390

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