Part I: Introduction Chapter 1- Introduction: Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era Prof TC Melewar, Prof Charles Dennis, and Dr Pantea Foroudi Part II: Building a Corporate Brand Identity Chapter 2- Corporate identity: Definition and Component Mohammad M. Foroudi and Pantea Foroudi Chapter 3- Managing Marketing Competencies: A framework for understanding antecedents of marketing capability and its relation to company’s core competencies Pantea Foroudi, Khalid Hafeez, and Javad Izadi Chapter 4- Reputation: Configuring the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths to Architecture in a Retail Setting Mohammad M. Foroudi, Pantea Foroudi and Zhongqi Jin Chapter 5- Conceptualising Sensory Brand Experience: Using Review of Knowledge Fields and Bibliometric Data to Identify Potential Future Research Direction Dongmei Zha, TC Melewar, Zhongqi Jin and Pantea Foroudi Chapter 6- Corporate brand identity: Virtual space Maria Teresa Cuomo, Cinzia Genovino, Debora Tortora and Alex Giordano Chapter 7- Aesthetic heritage and corporate branding: Luxury heritage brands between tradition and modernity Angela Bargenda Part III: Building a Corporate Brand Image Chapter 8- Corporate Multi-Channel Branding: Platforms for #CorporateBranding Awele Achi, Ogechi Adeola and Francis Chukwuedo Achi Chapter 9- Value co-creation behaviour: Antecedents and Consequences Yousef Alqayed, Pantea Foroudi, Charles Dennis and Kaouther Kooli Chapter 10- An assessment of Customer Experience Concept: Looking Back to Move Forward Dongmei Zha, Marvi, R., Foroudi, P., Dennis, C., Ueno, A., Jin, Z., and Melewar, TC Chapter 11- Employees occupational identity Maria Jerez, TC Melewar and Pantea Foroudi Chapter 12- Behavioral intentions in the UK fashion industry: The impact of perceived fashion innovativeness on fashion brand image with the moderating role of social media marketing and lovemark Helnaz Ahmadi Lari, Pantea Foroudi and Saheb Imani Chapter 13- Corporate brand image: Technology and innovation in e-tailing Virginia Vannucci and Eleonora Pantano Part IV: Building a Corporate Brand Reputation Chapter 14- Take a New Turn: Relationships between corporate identity management and corporate reputation in a hospitality context Pantea Foroudi, Reza Marvi, Javad Izadi and Pouya Pirzadeh Chapter 15- Islamic Brand Love Waleed Yousef and Najwa Yousef Chapter 16- Societal corporate branding and political discourse: where brand ethics meets with consumers’ clicktivism Rossella Gambetti, Silvia Biraghi, TC Melewar and Angela Beccanulli Chapter 17- Brand Knowledge, Brand Community and Brand Engagement Suraksha Gupta, Aisha Abuelmaatti and Dongmei Cao Chapter 18- Building and Sustaining Personal Brand: Examining the Effectiveness of Personal Branding in the Context of Education Marwa Tourky, Pantea Foroudi and Fatma Haji Al-Zadjali Chapter 19- How the digital environment and its user experience effects the customer’s perception of luxury brands and co-creation of Brand Value Nastaran Norouzi Richards-Carpenter and Thimo Grantz Chapter 20- Celebrity endorsement, theories, models, existing literature and corporate identity, image and reputation Dr Shahzeb Hussain