Acknowledgements Preface Thematic sessions Scientific committee Contributed papersA variable finite element model of the human masticatory system S. Martinez, J. Lenz, K. Schweizerhof & H.J. Schindler Occlusal splint vs. anterior deprogrammer in bruxism therapy—is surface electromyography a valid tool? B. Dalewski & B. Fraczak Fracture toughness in interface systems Ni-Cr/ceramic, alumina/ceramic and zirconia/ceramic C.P.S. Porto, M. Parente, R.M.N. Jorge, L.C. Pereira & S. Griza The use of GBR in bone regeneration: An histologic study in the rabbit model I. Guerra, M.H. Figueiral, J.C.R. Campos, F. Branco, M. Vasconcelos, A. Afonso & R.Z. Gomes Effect of repeated tightening and loosening cycles of prosthetic screws in the micromovements of the abutment-implant assembly: A pilot study A. Messias, S. Rocha, N. Calha, P. Nicolau, F. Guerra & M.A. Neto Stress analysis of human periodontal ligament: Implications for its damage A.P. del Palomar, U. Santana-Mora, J. Cegoñino, U. Santana-Penin, A. Calvo-Echenique & M.J. Mora Parametric evaluation of cortical bone thickness behavior on stress/strain of a dental implant J.P. de Oliveira Freitas, V. Bianco, J.H. Rubo, P.J.P. Gonçalves & E.A.C. Sousa 3D Finite Element biomechanical model of the mandible-mucosa-expander apparatus set I. Braga, D. Rocha, R. Utsch, E.L. Casas, R. Andrade, R. Braga, R.M.N. Jorge & P.A.L.S. Martins Computer-aided design and manufacturing of dental implants with irregular geometries J. Chen, X. Chen, X. Zhang, O. Eichstädt, R. Du, F. Deng & Z. Zhang Automatic reconstruction of dental CT images using optimization P.H.J. Amorim, T.F. de Moraes, J.V.L. da Silva, H. Pedrini & R.B. Ruben Overbleaching effects on mineral content and roughness of human enamel M.S.F. de Miranda, R.S. Santos, M.J. dos Anjos, E.M. da Silva & C.R. Perez The assessment of the generated temperature by the drill bit in the bone tissue C.T. Sampaio, E.M. Fonseca, J.E. Ribeiro & R. Cerqueira The CAD technology in removable prosthodontics M.A. Sampaio-Fernandes, M. Sampaio-Fernandes, P. Fonseca, P.R. Almeida & M.H. Figueiral Clinical trial—in vivo endosseous implants micromovements measuring with 3D Digital Image Correlation method T. Rodrigues, F. Moreira, F. Guerra, P. Nicolau & M.A. Neto Simulation of remodeling of tissue engineered condylar cartilage under static hydrostatic pressure C. Bandeiras, A. Completo & A. Ramos Cyclic fatigue resistance of five rotary endodontic instruments B. Chaveli-Díaz, L. Forner, C. Llena, R. Madureira & F. Tadeu A biomechanical analysis of a maxillary overdenture retained by divergent implant attachments A. Miler, A. Correia, J.M. Rocha, J.C.R. Campos, N.V. Ramos & M.A. Vaz Effects of micromovement on the strain distribution of an implant supported zirconia dental bridge structure during loading: A 3D digital image correlation and 3D finite element analysis N. Calha, T. Rodrigues, A. Messias, L. Roseiro, P. Nicolau & M.A. Neto Comparative analysis of mandibular symphysis plates 1J.C. Dinis, D.T. Kemmoku, P.Y. Noritomi, J.V.L. Silva & R.B. Ruben Effect of hydrogen peroxide on the inorganic composition of enamel R.M. Moreira, F.S. Calazans, A.C. Lamosa, R.S. Santos, M.J. dos Anjos, J.T. de Assis & M.S. Miranda Integration of image processing and 3D techniques to simulate aesthetic dental treatments R. Pulido, J.J. Jiménez & A. Rodríguez Analysis of autoclave induced dimensional changes on addition silicones M. Só, O. Lino, P.R. Almeida, C. Leal, J.C.R. Campos & J. Sampaio-Fernandes Relationship between implant primary stability (torque and ISQ) and bone density assessed by CBCT—clinical trial R.Z. Gomes, L.L. da Silva, J. Coimbra, I. Guerra, M. Vasconcelos, A. Correia & A.C. Braga Fracture resistance of single-tooth implant-supported P.A.G. Piloto & J.F. Piloto An electromagnetic tracker system for the design of a dental superstructure A.H.J. Moreira, S. Queirós, N.F. Rodrigues, A.C.M. Pinho, J.C. Fonseca & J.L. Vilaça Optimization of a perfusion bioreactor for tissue engineering D. Freitas, H.A. Almeida & P. Bártolo Reinforced PCL scaffolds with Eggshell powder S.I. Biscaia, T.F. Viana, H.A. Almeida & P. Bártolo Optimizing regions for characterization of thermal images in medical applications A. Duarte, L. Carrão, M. Espanha, T.F. Viana, D. Freitas, P. Bártolo, P. Faria & H.A. Almeida Mechanical behavior of dentures clasps in acetal resin and cobalt-chromium: A numerical analysis A.R.D. Lopes, A. Correia, J.C.R. Campos, N.V. Ramos & M.A. Vaz Gingiva Assessment Tool—a clinical decision support system to evaluate the esthetic risk for gingiva-shade ceramics in a fixed dental prosthesis P.C. Viana, A. Correia, I. Lopes, Z. Kovacs & L. Eustáquio Geometric and structural comparison of anatomic models R. Zeibak, D. Freitas, H.A. Almeida & P. Bártolo Finite element analysis of bio-inert mass effect on stress reduction in bone-dental implant interface G. Mehdi, A. Belarbi, B. Mansouri & Z. Azari Ideal spacing according to different types of cement—Everest system (KaVo®) P. Rocha-Almeida, P. Caniço, C. Leal, J. Reis-Campos & J. Sampaio-Fernandes Time dependent constitutive model for a biopolymer derived from castor oil polyurethane A.C. Vieira, V. Tita, R.R.C. da Costa & R.M. Guedes IL1 gene cluster polymorphisms and peri-implant disease M. Sampaio-Fernandes, P. Vaz, P. Fonseca, J. Reis-Campos & M.H. Figueiral Quality evaluation of websites with information on child dental trauma in Portuguese language M. Crespo, J. Carvalho, A. Correia & P. Mesquita Numerical analysis of a teeth restoration: A meshless method approach C.S.S. Tavares, J. Belinha, L.M.J.S. Dinis & R.M.N. Jorge The bone tissue remodelling analysis in dentistry using a meshless method J. Belinha, L.M.J.S. Dinis & R.M.N. Jorge Dental tissue classification using computational intelligence and digital image analysis G. Vaccaro & J.I. Pelaez Influence of composite temperature on the marginal seal in dental restorations S.A. Bote, J.M. Arroyo, J.M. Osorio, P.C. Lobato & M.C.M. Céspedes Raman Confocal Microscopy to study aesthetic restorative materials S.A. Bote, J.M. Arroyo, J.M. Osorio, P.C. Lobato & M.C.M. Céspedes Biomechanical analysis of typical structured dental implants and surrounding bone tissues X. Zhang, X. Chen, G. Zhang & J. Chen Characterization of trabecular bone morphology by isolation and construction of cubic models using computerized microtomography P. Carvalho-Lobato, G. Vallespí-Miró, V. Tallón-Walton, M.C. Manzanares-Céspedes, I. Valdivia-Gandur, S. Arroyo-Bote, J. Martínez-Arroyo, J. Martínez-Osorio & M. Herrera-Lara Optimization of the procedure for obtaining DPSCs by means of fragile fracture in clean room conditions C. Paganelli, A. Lanfranchi, F. Porta, I. Valdivia-Gandur, S. Arroyo-Bote, J. Martínez-Arroyo, J. Martínez-Osorio, P. Carvalho-Lobato, V. Tallón-Walton & M.C. Manzanares-Céspedes Evaluation of collagen fibers orientation around different connection implants M.A.R. Araujo, D.S.M. Castro, G.M.P. Juanito, M.A.P.P.N. Oliveira, C.A.M. Benfatti, R.S. Magini, A. Piattelli & C.R.P. Araújo Evaluation of the bone formation on titanium implants electrically stimulated: Study in dogs L.M. Bins-Ely, E.B. Cordero, C.A.M. Benfatti & R.S. Magini Thermal residual stresses in functionally graded dental restorations B. Henriques, R.M. Nascimento, G. Miranda, F. Silva & J.C.M. Souza Study of the porcelain powder injection parameters for the production of zirconia reinforced porcelain composites R.L.P. Santos, B. Henriques, R.M. Nascimento, F.V. Motta, F. Silva & J.C.M. Souza A finite element study of the Quad-helix appliance deformation when submitted to a force A.P. Botto, M.A. Vaz & J.M. Ustrell Evaluation of orthodontic forces applied by the Quad-helix apparatus A.P. Botto, M.A. Vaz & J.M. Ustrell Degradation mode