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marmisollé waldemar a.; posadas dionisio - binding phenomena

Binding Phenomena General Description and Analytical Applications


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Lingua: Inglese


Pubblicazione: 10/2023
Edizione: 1st ed. 2023


This book presents a unified description of binding equilibrium for a wide variety of systems focusing on acid-base and coordination chemistry, adsorption at interfaces, and electron binding in electrochemistry. It overviews more complex phenomena such as competitive binding to different sites and of different ligands. Multiple sites such as those occurring in macromolecules, colloidal oxides, humid substances, and proteins are briefly discussed and many experimental results for these types of systems are analyzed. Titrations and consideration of the distribution of binding constants are also presented. The book is mainly directed at undergraduate/graduate students of chemistry, biology, and earth sciences. It is supplementary to the standard physical and analytical chemistry courses and will help both students and teachers get a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of the systems analyzed.


Chapter 1. Introduction. 

Chapter 2. Binding to simple substrates with one binding site.
2.1. Acid- base reactions. A simple example of proton binding 
2.1.1. The average relative number of bound protons and the degree of protonation
2.1.2. The average relative number of dissociated protons and the degree of dissociation 
2.2.Complexation. A simple example of complexation without competitive binding
2.3. Adsorption. Simple adsorption equilibrium 
2.4. Electron binding. A simple case of redox reactions
2.5. The general binding process and the binding driving force
2.6. About the fulfillment of the Langmuir equation for different processes

Chapter 3.  One substrate with two different binding sites. Competitive binding. Two different binding species. Two different binding substrates.
3.1. Introduction
3.2. One substrate with two different binding sites
3.3. Two different binding species on the same substrate
3.3.1. Competitive adsorption
3.3.2. Competitive binding between protonation and complexation.
3.4. Electron binding to two redox couples
3.5. Two different binding sites. A simple example of proton binding in ampholytes
3.6. Formation of Zwitterions

Chapter 4.  Titration of simple substrates
4 1. Introduction 
4.2. Simple examples
4.2.1. Titration of a strong monoprotic acid
4.2.2. Titration of a weak polyprotic acid
4.3. About the additivity of titration curves
4.4. Titration of an arbitrary mixture of acids with an arbitrary mixture of basis
4.5. A simple example of titration with complex formation
4.6. Titration of a simple ampholyte
4.7. Redox titrations
4.8. Electron titration
4.9. Titration of zwitterions
4.9.1. The neutral form alone
4.9.2. The zwitterionic form alone
4.9.3. The two forms in equilibrium

Chapter 5. Continuous Distribution Functions. Cumulative and Density Distribution Functions. Known Examples
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Continuous Distribution Functions Cumulative and density probability distribution functions
5.2.1. Uniform density function
5.2.2. Dirac delta distribution 
5.2.3. Gaussian function
5.2.4. Maxwell-Boltzmann speed distribution function in a gas
5.3.  The relation between binding problems and distribution functions

Chapter 6. Elements of adsorption on heterogeneous substrates
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Adsorption on Heterogeneous substrates. The distribution function for the adsorption energy
6.3. Theoretical Binding isotherms in the presence of interaction between the bound species.
6.4. Statistical deduction of the Langmuir Isotherm
6.5. The Ising model
6.6. The mean field approximation or Bragg-Williams approximation 

Chapter 7. Theoretical bases for the interpretation of the titration curves of macromolecules 
7.1. Introduction
7.2. The state of macromolecules
7.3. Some physical properties of polymers
7.3.1. Deformation term of a single macromolecule 
7.4. The state of macromolecules in solution
7.5. Polyelectrolytes in solution 
7.5.1. The end to end distance
7.6. Interactions of polyelectrolytes with other species present in the solution
7.7. Electrostatic interactions 
7.7.1. Electrostatic interaction for charges spheres
7.7.2. Electrostatic interactions for charged cylinders
7.8. The interaction of polymers with the solvent. Flory- Huggins theory of polymers in solution
7.9. Swelling of polymer (non polyelectrolytic) gels
7.10. The swelling equilibrium of polyelectrolyte gels
7.11. Electrostatic interactions in polyelectrolyte gels
7.12. Deformation and electrostatic interactions and binding equilibria in single dissolved macromolecules
7.13. The equation for the pH change during the course of a proton TC

Chapter 8. Acid- base equilibria at complex substrates. Polyacids and Polybases
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Polyacids. Average number of bound protons
8.2.1. Average number of dissociated protons
8.3. Polybases. 
8.4. Complexation and Competitive binding in multi- ligand complexes
8.4.1. Ligands without hydrolysis 
8.4.2. Ligands undergoing hydrolysis. Generalization of competitive binding

Chapter 9. Acid base Titration of complex substrates.
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Titration of polyacids and polybases
9.2.1. Titration of Polyacids: Polymethacrylic acid 
9.2.2. Titration of Polybases: Polyvynilamine

Chapter 10. The Acid Base Behaviour of Polyampholytes. The Case of Colloidal Oxides
10.1. Introduction
10.2. The binding polynomial for a colloidal oxide 
10.3. Titration of colloidal oxides 
10.4. Summary of models on the oxide solution interface 
10.5. Analysis of some experimental results with the constant capacity model

Chapter 11. Titration of polyampholytes. Polyzwitterions and other examples
11.1. Titration of polyampholytes
11.2. Titration of Copolymers of PVP and PMA 
11.3. A simple model for Zwitterion formation in polyelectrolytes of different composition assuming Ka y Kb independent of and its titration
11.4. Acid base titration of humic acids
11.5. Titration of Proteins: Tanford´s method 
11.5.1. Stoichiometry
11.5.2. Theoretical interpretation 

Chapter 12. Electron titrations of electrochemically active Macromolecules
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Change of volume as a function of the potential 
12.3. Change of the binding species concentration in the external solution as a function of the oxidation fraction
12.4. Electron binding to polyaniline 

Chapter 13. Appendices
13. 1. Appendix 1. Macroconstants and Microconstants
13.1.1. Macroconstants and Microconstants
13.1.2. The Example of Ciprofloxacin
13.2. Appendix 2. Statistical Factors
13.3 Appendix 3. Elements of Statistical Thermodynamics
13.3.1. Introduction
13.3.2. The example of an ideal gas Subsystems 
13.4. Apendix 4. The binding polinomial as the partition function of the bound species. ghost- site binding constants
13.5. Appendix 5. The Gibbs Adsorption Isotherm. Two dimensional state equations
13.5.1. The relation of Gibbs- Duhem
13.5.2. The Gibbs adsorption isotherm
13.6. The general binding process and the binding driving force


Waldemar A. Marmisollé was born in Junín (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in 1984. He studied chemistry at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) receiving his degree in 2007 and his PhD in chemistry in 2011. He performed post-doctoral work at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and he is now  Professor of Physical Chemistry at UNLP and fellow member of CONICET working at the Soft Matter Laboratory at INIFTA. He has published more than seventy papers in international journals. He also has published five chapters of books.His research interests include conducting polymers and soft matter electrochemistry.

Prof. Dionisio Posadas was born in San Juan, Argentina in 1943. He studied chemistry at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). There he obtained his degree at 1966 and his PhD in 1969. He was postdoctoral fellow at the Chemistry Department of Southampton University, Great Britain during 1972-.73. He was visiting Professor at the Chemistry Department, Case- Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, EEUU, three months, 1981, and at several universities in France, Spain and Brazil. Invited to oral presentations several times at the ISE meetings and at International Workshop on the Electrochemistry of Electroactive Materials. He was full Professor of Chemical Physics  at the Faculty  of Exact Sciences at the National University of Buenos Aires, also, at different times, Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Faculty  of Exact Sciences at the National University of La Plata. He has published more than a hundred papers in international journals of Electrochemistry and Physical Chemistry. Also he has published several chapters in books and two books (in Spanish). He is emeritus Professor of the UNLP and fellow research of CONICET (under contract). His research interests include physical chemistry properties of Redox Polymers.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Collana: Physical Chemistry in Action
Dimensioni: 235 x 155 mm Ø 514 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Illustration Notes:XV, 185 p. 85 illus., 9 illus. in color.
Pagine Arabe: 185
Pagine Romane: xv

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