1. Paul Clarke, Simon Jones, Nick Kaye and Johanna Linsley, Introduction: Inside and Outside the Archive 2. Nick Kaye, Liveness and the entanglement with things 3. REMAKE 3a Janez Janša, Monument G as a call for reconstruction. 3b Tim Etchells, Untitled (After Violent Incident) 3c Robin Deacon, Hamlet: A Careful Misreading 3d Rosemary Butcher and Stefanie Sachsenmaier, After Kaprow: Rosemary Butcher encounters 18 happenings in 6 parts 3e Zhang Huan, Six Questions. 4. Adrian Heathfield, The Ghost Time of Transformation. 5. RETURN 5a Blast Theory, Jog Shuttler 5b Lin Hixson and Matthew Goulish, Our 18 Beginnings 5c Paul Clarke/Performance Re-enactment Society, Performing art history: non-linear, synchronous and syncopated times in Performance Re-enactment Society’s Group Show (2012) 5d Pil and Galia Kollectiv, Re-enacting the Archive: untimely meditations on the use and abuse of repetition 6. Amelia Jones, Archive, repertoire and Embodied History in Não Bustamente’s Performative Practice 7. Andrew Quick, The Patina of Performance: Documentary practice and the search for origins in The Wooster Group’s Fish Story 8. REVIEW 8a Mike Pearson, The Lesson of Anatomy 8b Fiona Templeton, Authority, Authorship and Authoring in the Theatre of Mistakes 8c Bodies in Flight, Do the Wild Thing! Redux 8d Felix Gmelin, Understanding Negative Dialectics 9. Johanna Linsley, 9 beginnings: sonic theatrical possibilities in the Live Art Archives 10. Maaike Bleeker, Resistance to Representation and the Fabrication of Truth: performance as thought-apparatus 11. ARCHIVE 11a Giles Bailey, Talker Catalogue 11b Terry O’Connor, Nothing Goes to Waste 11c Koh Nguang How, The Singapore Art Archive Project 11d Richard Hancock and Traci Kelly, Playing with Shadows and Speaking in Echoes 11e Claire MacDonald, Performing with Ghosts: a talk remembered 12. Simon Jones, The Future Perfect of the Archive: re-thinking performance in the age of third nature.