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renn jürgen (curatore) - albert einstein – chief engineer of the universe 2 volume set

Albert Einstein – Chief Engineer of the Universe 2 Volume Set EINSTEIN'S LIFE AND WORK IN CONTEXT AND DOCUMENTS OF A LIFE'S PATWAY. 2 VOLUMES

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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 11/2005

Note Editore

Einstein's life and work form a crossroads in the history of knowledge. Many paths of development proceed from his work and touch upon critical contemporary questions concerning the world view of physics just as much as the question of the responsibility and the position of science in society.

Einstein's role in the history of science and his life path through diverse circumstances form an ideal starting point for the exploration of such questions.

Albert Einstein – Chief Engineer of the Universe? This characterization, taken from an envelope addressed to him, corresponds to the Einstein myth that strives to elevate him beyond the sphere of normal people. At the same time, this title refers to the constructed character of our world view. Having been created by human beings, it can be changed by human beings as well.


1.) World–view and discovery
Invisible forces
Wonderous metamorphoses
Demons and ghosts
Mass – energy conversion
The Invisible around us
Gravity and inertia
Light as invisible force
The power of the Invisible
Models of the cosmos
The Earth is round
Progress into Infinity
Belief in movement is shaken
Belief in space is shaken
The history of the world
2.) Einstein – his life
Physics at the end of the 19th century
Main fields of classical physics
Border problems
A childhood
The family
Childhood and adolescence in Germany and Italy
The revolution
University years in Switzerland
The Patent Office
The "Akademie Olympia"
Einstein's early works
Revolution in science
On a heuristic viewpoint concerning the creation and conversion of light
On the movement of particles suspended in resting liquids, as postulated by the molecular kinetic heat theory.
On the electrodynamics of moving bodies
Completion and Reaction
Theory of Relativity
Confirmation of the Special Theory of Relativity
The Principle of Equivalence
Curved space
The evolution of the General Theory of Relativity
Verification of the General Theory of Relativity through experiment
Opposition against the Theory of Relativity
Quantum Theory
Theory of Specific Heat
The controversy over the light quantum hypothesis
Theory of Stimulated Emission
Quantum theory of the atom
Quantum mechanics and Einstein's reaction
Einstein–Podolski–Rosen paradox
Einstein and politics: the First World War
A liberal leftist in the Weimar Republic
Science at the abyss
Unified field theory
Rise of the National Socialists, deprivation of citizenship and expropriation of the Einstein family
Life in exile
Assistance for emigrants
The atom bomb project
World government
The fight for civil rights
3.) Einstein's world today
Special Theory of Relativity
Michelson experiment
Sagnac effect
General Theory of Relativity
Principle of equivalence
Black holes
Gravitation Lenses
Gravitation Waves
Cosmological Constant
Hawking Radiation
Quantum Theory
Einstein–Podolski–Rosen paradox and interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Unification of the theories
String Theory
Quantum Loop Theory
The goal of physics
What is science?


Professor Jürgen Renn is director at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. His research focuses primarily on the emergence of mechanics in antiquity, the interaction between practical and theoretical knowledge since the Renaissance, the transition from classical to modern physics, the development of the theory of relativity, and the application of new media to the history of science. Professor Renn is coordinator of the exhibition 'Albert Einstein – Chief Engineer of the Universe' 2005 in Berlin.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 283 x 57.47 x 217 mm Ø 3644 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Pagine Arabe: 816

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